This Planet is the 7th planet
What is Uranus
Who was the second President
Who was John Adams
What is the winter Jewish holiday called
What is Hanukkah
What region is Florida in
What is the South East
What Country do we live in
What is the United States of America
It is most well known dwarf planet
What is Pluto
Who was the President during the Civil War
Who was Abraham Lincoln
What is the most popular holiday in th U.S.A
What is Christmas
What region is Nevada in
What is the West
What Country is South from us
What is Mexico
What is the Solar System called
What is the Milky Way
What is Abraham Lincoln's nickname
What is Honest Abe
What is the April Holiday
What is Easter
What was the first States in U.S.A
What is Delaware
What Country is the Most populated
What is China
What are the three main dwarf planet's
What is Pluto, Eris, and Ceres
Who was the 44 President
Who is Barack Obama
Who saved Thanksgiving
Who was Sahra Hale
What is Delaware called
What is the "First State"
What Country is the largest
What is Russia
Name all the dwarf planet's
What are Pluto, Eris, Ceres, Makemake, and Haumea
Who was the third President
Who was Thomas Jefferson
What is the least most popular Holiday in U.S.A
What is Valentines Day
What is New York called
What is The Empire State
How many Countries does North America have
What is 23