What was the "Storm of the Century?"
In 1993, a snowstorm coined the phrase "Storm of the Century" as it affected 26 US states and Canada. I lasted 3 straight days.
What is the name of the large bell in Elizabeth Tower next to the Parliament building in London?
Big Ben. Big Ben weighs 15.1 tons and the tower is 320 feet tall.
What U.S. State is known as the Last Frontier?
Utah's state symbol is a beehive. What does this symbolize?
Thrift and Industry
What is the fastest land mammal?
Cheetah. Cheetah's can up to 60 miles per hour
What outdoor activity uses snow and a Flexible Flyer and a hill?
Sledding. The Flexible flyer was patented in 1889
Which continent is home to the Sahara desert?
Africa. The Sahara desert covers more than 3 million square miles.
In which state did the first Burger King restaurant open?
Florida. The chain was founded in Miami.
What is Utah's state animal?
Rocky Mountain Elk
What is the only bird that can fly backwards?
What shape is made when someone lies in the snow and moves their arms and legs?
Snow Angel. In 2007 in North Dakota the set a world record with 8000 people making snow angels.
What canal connects the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans?
Panama Canal. About 14,000 ships use the Panama Canal each year.
What is the capital of California?
What Mountain Range is named after the Ute Tribe?
The Uintas
What animal is used for the Royal Canadian Mounted Police?
Horses! Mounted Police began in 1873
What is the name of a shelter made of ice cubes?
Igloo. The inside of an igloo can be 40 degrees warmer than it's outside.
What country would you visit to see Blarney Castle?
Ireland. Blarney Castle was built in 1446.
Where is the Grand Canyon located?
Where was Butch Cassidy born?
Beaver Utah
What animal was the first to be sent into outer space?
Dog. On November 3rd 1957 the Soviets sent a dog into Earth's orbit.
What large truck is used to clear snow from the roads?
Snowplow. The first snowplow was used in 1862 in Milwaukee.
What famous waterfall is between the US and Canada?
Niagara Falls. The Falls are approx 12,000 years old.
Which state is known as the "Sunshine State"
What year did Utah become part of the U.S.?
What is the name of the house cat here at The Auberge in Aspen Park?