This champion whose mains will always flash their Mastery no matter the level, even when they die.
Who is Yasuo?
This TF2 rip-off is slowly killing itself and losing players.
What is overwatch?
This anime has a main character name Akira.
What is Devilman Crybaby?
This game involves the character being able to steal vehicles, kill people, and complete missions as they fight against the law.
What is Jak II?
When this character shows up, the response seems to be "Oh s**t, waddup?"
Who is Dat Boi?
This champion is known to be Satan in his truest form.
Who is Teemo?
This game is the equivalent of a copypasta, but changing the story by a bit.
What is Call of Duty?
This is an anime about heroes saving the world from different villains.
What is Jojo's Bizarre Adventure?
A man who killed his wife and daughter in a blind rage, causing him to fall apart and give in to anger and sorrow.
What is God of War?
This character asks people if they know the way, but has yet to meet any who has.
Who is Ugandan Knuckles?
This type of champion is said to have had a season in which they were playable.
What are Assassins?
Space Call of Duty but with an actual story and characters.
What is Halo?
This is an anime about a man trying to survive a world with monsters.
What is Monster Musume?
A boy is forced in battle without a choice as he lives in a world filled with monsters and evil being who wish to only spread destruction across the world.
What is Legend of Zelda?
Free question.
Any meme is correct.
This Champion loved rock n' roll so much, he named his abilities after rock songs.
Who is Mordekaiser?
Call of Duty, but made by Valve.
What is Counter-Strike?
This anime is about the devil with devastating power being hunted down by the hero.
What is Devil Is A Part-Timer?
A young child is forced into an adventure after he sees his people be captured by a great evil and has to face off dangerous monster looking to kill him by any means necessary.
What is the original Spyro?
This meme was once used very frequently and was usually followed by the phrase "Problem?".
What is Troll Face?
League can do many things right except for this thing.
What is balancing?
This is death was sad and can be considered one of the saddest deaths in Anime.
What is (enter the name of a good character who died)?
Warriors from across the land to face off in battles that they have no choice, but to fight as they face off against family and friends.
What is Super Smash Bros?
This was once supposed to be taken seriously but failed.
What is Destiny?