What is the most popular pet in the world?
A Dog
What is the Smallest State in the USA?
Rhode Island
Magnus Carlsen
What is the #1 Selling restaurant in the world?
The 1st Person that was convicted of speeding was going how many miles per hour?
8 mph
What is the closest planet to the sun?
The Founder of Tesla and Space X is known to be who?
Elon Musk
What is a whole number or a number that is not a fraction called?
The 2002 Winter Olympics was held in what state?
Double the points for the exact city
Hint: the City is a capital
Utah, Salt Lake City
What is the perimeter of a circle called?
The Circumference
Mount Everest is the tallest mountain above sea level but what is the tallest mountain below sea level to above.
Mauna Kea
What are the chances of rolling snake eyes on 2 dice?
an atom or molecule with a net electric charge due to the loss or gain of one or more electrons
The Smallest Mountain ever recorded is what?
Mount Wycheproof
What is the word that you are unable to read or write.
y = mx+b is the equation for what?
Slope Intercept
What is the animal that has the most eyes out of any other animal in the world?
The Mantis Shrimp
The Word discombobulate is know as what open class categories?
A Verb.
How tall is the smallest human being?
What is Known to be the slowest car model
Thrust SSC
What is the only Flag that has a building on it?