These 2 champions are known for having a lot of bugs.
Who is Viego and Mordekaiser.
What champion has the lowest base health?
Who is Kled(demounted) or Senna.
This item was an AD Mejai's.
What is Sword of the Occult.
Shaco's "Why So Serious?" quote is from which movie?
What is The Dark Knight.
These 2 jungle champions who are also favored champions of 2 people here, were in the 1000 day club simultaneously.
Who is Kayn and Kindred.
The rework of these 4 champions led to one of the worst worlds meta in season 5.
Who is Skarner, Darius, Garen, and Mordekaiser.
What champion has the highest base health?
This item was removed after it and Banner of Command together made for an awful time.
What is Zz'rot portal.
Jhin tells Tahm "You're so ridiculous that if I had a diamond pony I would name him after you.", what game is this a reference to?
What is Borderlands 2.
Who is the nightmarish shadow champion that is 60 days away from joining the 1000 day club.
Who is Nocturne.
You probably would get reported if you didn't penta with this adc on their release.
Who is Samira.
Who has the lowest base LEVEL 1 movespeed.
Who is Rell (w passive) or Kled.
This was a staple attack speed jungle item back in season 1/2.
What is Madred's Bloodrazor.
Kayn or Rhaast killing Zed says the line "Zed's dead baby. Zed is dead." What is this a reference to?
What is Pulp Fiction.
Which champion sat in the 1000 day club the longest?
Who is Urgot.
This champion had a 99% ban rate back in season 2/3.
Who is Kassadin.
Who has the highest base LEVEL 1 move speed?
Who is Master Yi or Spider Elise.
For an extra 400 gold you can turn your ward item from blue to red.
What is Ruby Sightstone.
This pre reworked champion quoted Arnold Schwarzenegger a lot.
Who is Sion.
What 2 champions are currently the only two champions in the 1000 day club?
Who is Mundo and Udyr.
The rework of this champion led to them having a 100% presence rate at worlds with them only being played in 1 game.
Who is Pantheon.
Which champions have the highest base armor?
Who is Leona and Braum. (47)
This item caused an unhealthy top lane meta where stacking this and HP made you deal lots of damage.
What is Atma's Impaler. (Atmogs Meta)
How many champions have KPop Dances?
Which champion has been in the 1000 day club on 3 different occasions?
Who is Zilean.