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Is there a way to once and for all prove whether breakfast is the most important meal of the day or not?

No, breakfast is a debatable topic.


What is the best thing to eat for breakfast?

Healthy breakfast


What is the best thing to eat in the morning?

What do you think? Tell me the answer.


Does intermittent fasting really work?

For some people yes but for some not. Depending on your preferences. 


How much time is considered skipping breakfast? If I spent 2 hours cooking the most extravagant breakfast ever but on an empty stomach, would I still have the same effects as not eating breakfast at all?

Why do you cook for two hours if you can make eggs for two minutes? I couldn't think of any breakfast food that could take 2 hours of cooking. 


My question is, how old is breakfast?

Maybe this student is asking about the term breakfast originated.

The term breakfast originated in 15th century Europe but eating in the morning didn't become a daily ritual in Europe until the 1600's as this is when many people began going to work each day.


Is breakfast really the most important meal of the day?



Why are eggs considered such a breakfast food in Western culture?

Eggs have become a staple breakfast food in Western culture for several reasons, including their versatility, nutritional value, and accessibility. 

While eggs are commonly associated with breakfast in Western culture, they are also consumed throughout the day and in various cuisines worldwide. Their nutritional benefits and culinary versatility make them a popular food choice across different meals and cultures.


What are some specific foods that are considered as a good breakfast?

Name ate least 5.

  1. Whole-grain cereals: Oatmeal, whole-grain muesli, and whole-grain cereals provide fiber, vitamins, and minerals, offering a wholesome breakfast option.

  2. Eggs: Eggs are a rich source of high-quality protein and contain essential nutrients such as vitamin D, vitamin B12, and choline.

  3. Greek yogurt: High in protein and probiotics, Greek yogurt can be paired with fruits, nuts, or seeds to create a satisfying and nutritious breakfast.

  4. Fruits: Fresh fruits such as berries, bananas, apples, and oranges are rich in vitamins, minerals, and dietary fiber, making them a healthy and refreshing breakfast choice.

  5. Whole-grain bread: Whole-grain breads provide fiber and complex carbohydrates, offering a nutritious base for breakfast when paired with toppings like nut butter, avocado, or eggs.

  6. Nuts and seeds: Nuts and seeds, such as almonds, walnuts, chia seeds, and flaxseeds, are nutrient-dense and can be added to breakfast dishes like yogurt, oatmeal, or smoothies for extra texture and nutritional benefits.

  7. Smoothies: A blend of fruits, vegetables, yogurt, and/or protein powder can create a nutrient-rich and convenient breakfast option.

  8. Lean meats: Lean protein sources such as turkey or chicken can be included in breakfast meals for added protein and satiety.


What is the most popular breakfast around the world?



What is the best breakfast?

A healthy breakfast is the best breakfast. Follow the Canadian Food Guide.


What is the most cooked/made food?

Probably grains


What are good protein-filled vegan breakfast options for people who do sports or athletics?

For individuals following a vegan diet and engaging in sports or athletics, it's essential to incorporate protein-rich breakfast options to support muscle recovery and energy levels. Here are some excellent vegan breakfast choices that are high in protein:

  1. Tofu scramble: Tofu can be seasoned and cooked with vegetables to create a flavorful and protein-packed breakfast option.

  2. Plant-based protein smoothie: Blend together ingredients like plant-based protein powder, fruits, leafy greens, and nut butter for a quick and nutrient-dense breakfast option.

  3. Chia seed pudding: Mix chia seeds with plant-based milk and let it sit overnight to create a protein-rich and filling pudding that can be topped with fruits and nuts.

  4. Vegan protein pancakes: Make pancakes using ingredients such as plant-based protein powder, mashed bananas, and oats to create a satisfying and protein-filled breakfast.

  5. Vegan yogurt parfait: Layer plant-based yogurt with fruits, nuts, and seeds to create a delicious and protein-rich breakfast option.

  6. Nut butter on whole-grain toast: Spread nut butter like almond butter or peanut butter on whole-grain toast for a quick and protein-filled breakfast option.

  7. Oatmeal with nuts and seeds: Add nuts, seeds, and a plant-based milk to your oatmeal for a protein-rich and wholesome breakfast.

  8. Vegan protein bars: Choose high-quality vegan protein bars made with ingredients such as nuts, seeds, and plant-based protein sources for a convenient on-the-go breakfast option.

By incorporating these protein-rich vegan breakfast options into their diet, individuals participating in sports or athletics can ensure they are meeting their nutritional needs and supporting their physical performance and recovery.




What is gut?

Gastrointestinal (GI) system


What is turmeric good for?

For reducing inflammation


What is the healthiest breakfast?

Meals that follow the Candian Food Guide.


How does breakfast vary in each country?

Breakfast varies significantly from one country to another, with cultural preferences, culinary traditions, and local ingredients shaping the morning meal. Here are some examples of how breakfast differs across various countries:

  1. Japan: A traditional Japanese breakfast often includes rice, miso soup, grilled fish, nori (seaweed), and pickled vegetables.

  2. Mexico: Mexican breakfasts can feature dishes like chilaquiles (tortilla chips topped with salsa and cheese), huevos rancheros (fried eggs with a tomato-chili sauce), or tamales.

  3. France: A classic French breakfast might consist of a croissant or pain au chocolat, along with a baguette served with butter and jam, accompanied by coffee or hot chocolate.

  4. India: Indian breakfasts can include diverse options such as idli (steamed rice cakes), dosa (fermented crepes), paratha (flatbread), or upma (a savory porridge made with semolina and vegetables).

  5. United States: American breakfasts often comprise dishes like pancakes, waffles, bacon, eggs, and cereal, with regional specialties such as biscuits and gravy in the South or bagels with cream cheese in the Northeast.

  6. China: Chinese breakfasts may feature items like rice porridge, steamed buns filled with meat or vegetables (baozi), or savory pancakes (cong you bing) made with scallions.

  7. Egypt: A typical Egyptian breakfast might include ful medames (mashed fava beans), taameya (Egyptian falafel), and various types of bread, such as pita or Egyptian baladi bread.

These examples illustrate the diverse range of breakfasts enjoyed in different countries worldwide, each reflecting unique culinary traditions, local ingredients, and cultural practices.


One thing that is unclear to me is if the research and benefits are correct or not. I do not know for sure if breakfast in the morning really does make you gain less weight.

Breakfast can help in weight management. 

"If you eat a good breakfast in the morning, you're less likely to be hungry during the course of the day," Dr. Virend Somers, a cardiologist at the Mayo Clinic, told CBS News.

Of course, what you eat matters, too. Somers says people should generally stick to healthier foods in the morning, like protein and healthy carbs, and try to avoid sugar-filled foods.


Can brunch be a substitute for breakfast on a daily basis?

Brunch can serve as a substitute for breakfast, but relying on it as a daily replacement may not always provide the same health benefits as consuming a balanced breakfast earlier in the day.

While brunch can be a convenient and enjoyable meal option, it is essential to ensure that it includes a variety of nutritious foods to meet your dietary needs. A well-balanced breakfast consumed in the morning can help jumpstart your metabolism, provide essential nutrients, and contribute to better energy levels and cognitive function throughout the day.

If you choose to have brunch regularly instead of breakfast, aim to include a mix of protein, whole grains, healthy fats, and fruits or vegetables to ensure you are getting a well-rounded and nourishing meal. Additionally, it's important to be mindful of portion sizes and choose healthier options to maintain a balanced diet.


How does breakfast vary in each country?

Breakfast varies significantly from one country to another, with cultural preferences, culinary traditions, and local ingredients shaping the morning meal. Here are some examples of how breakfast differs across various countries:

  • Japan: A traditional Japanese breakfast often includes rice, miso soup, grilled fish, nori (seaweed), and pickled vegetables.

  • Mexico: Mexican breakfasts can feature dishes like chilaquiles (tortilla chips topped with salsa and cheese), huevos rancheros (fried eggs with a tomato-chili sauce), or tamales.

  • France: A classic French breakfast might consist of a croissant or pain au chocolat, along with a baguette served with butter and jam, accompanied by coffee or hot chocolate.

  • India: Indian breakfasts can include diverse options such as idli (steamed rice cakes), dosa (fermented crepes), paratha (flatbread), or upma (a savory porridge made with semolina and vegetables).

  • United States: American breakfasts often comprise dishes like pancakes, waffles, bacon, eggs, and cereal, with regional specialties such as biscuits and gravy in the South or bagels with cream cheese in the Northeast.

  • China: Chinese breakfasts may feature items like rice porridge, steamed buns filled with meat or vegetables (baozi), or savory pancakes (cong you bing) made with scallions.

  • Egypt: A typical Egyptian breakfast might include ful medames (mashed fava beans), taameya (Egyptian falafel), and various types of bread, such as pita or Egyptian baladi bread.

These examples illustrate the diverse range of breakfasts enjoyed in different countries worldwide, each reflecting unique culinary traditions, local ingredients, and cultural practices.


Since we have learned how to make a poached egg, how do you make hollandaise sauce?


  • Separate the egg and place the egg yolk in a small saucepot. The whites can be saved for a different recipe.

  • Add the water and lemon juice to the pot with the yolk and whisk until smooth (no heat yet).

  • Cut the butter into small pieces (about ΒΌ Tbsp size) , then add them to the saucepot with the egg yolk, lemon, and water.

  • Place the pot over medium-low heat. Continuously whisk as the mixture heats. First the butter will melt, then the mixture will begin to get a bit frothy. Finally, as the egg yolk begins to cook, the sauce will thicken. Make sure you're whisking the entire time to achieve a light, smooth sauce. Once it thickens to the consistency of gravy, remove the pot from the heat.

  • Season the sauce with salt and cayenne, then drizzle the sauce over your favorite food!


What percent of the world's population eats a good breakfast every day?

It is challenging to determine the exact percentage of the world's population that eats a "good" breakfast every day as the definition of what constitutes a "good" breakfast can vary widely from person to person and culture to culture. Additionally, access to food, cultural practices, and individual dietary preferences can all influence breakfast habits.

However, according to various global health and nutrition reports, a significant portion of the world's population may not have access to a nutritious breakfast every day due to factors such as poverty, food insecurity, or lack of resources. Various organizations and initiatives are working to address these issues and improve access to healthy and balanced meals for all individuals


What is the world's most commonly eaten breakfast? 

The most commonly eaten breakfast varies significantly from one region to another. However, some widely consumed breakfast foods around the world include:

  1. Cereal and milk: A popular breakfast choice in many Western countries.
  2. Toast: Often paired with butter, jam, or other spreads.
  3. Eggs: Cooked in various ways such as scrambled, fried, or boiled.
  4. Bread and pastries: Common in many European countries, with options like croissants, baguettes, or rolls.
  5. Rice-based dishes: Consumed in various Asian countries, often accompanied by vegetables, eggs, or meat.

My one question is, why do people skip breakfast?

Hmmmm... What are your thoughts? It is part of the assignment. 

Give at least 3 reasons to get 500. 


I would like to know if brunch can be a substitute for breakfast or if it is not as good to have. 

Having a healthy and balanced breakfast is generally recommended as it helps kickstart your metabolism, provides essential nutrients, and can contribute to better overall energy levels and focus throughout the day. While brunch can be a delightful and satisfying meal, it's important to ensure that it includes nutritious elements to support your dietary needs and overall health.
