This is the 44th president of the United States
Who is Obabo?
This song has the most YouTube views of all time.
What is "Despacito"?
Finish the sentence: "Aight - "
This actor is known for his role as "Spider-Man" in the Marvel Cinematic Universe.
Who is "Tom Holland"?
What is "WW3"?
This was the object that the creator of the frisbee was turned into post-death.
What is a "frisbee"?
This song about a day of the week was once the most disliked video on YouTube.
What is "Friday"?
In 2016, this gorilla became a meme after his death.
Who is "Harambe"?
This was the highest grossing movie in 2019.
What is "Avengers: Endgame"?
This is the actual name of a hashtag/pound sign (#).
What is "octothorp"?
There are more than 400 words for "snow" for this country's language.
This song has the following lyrics: "Mental wounds still screaming
Driving me insane".
What is "Crazy Train"?
This man who owns a social media network is also known as a lizard.
Who is "Mark Zuccerberg"?
This movie plot involves a dog learning to play basketball.
What is "Air Bud"?
"-and they say it gets colder."
This is the name of this punctuation mark: "?!"
What is "interrobang"?!
This is the artist to the song "Call Me Maybe."
Who is "Carly Rae Jepsen."?
This poultry product gained fame on Instagram by being the most liked post ever on the app.
What is egg?
“Carpe diem. Seize the day, boys. Make your lives extraordinary.” is a line from this 1989 movie.
What is "Dead Poets Society"?
This 1999 sequel to a well-known Pixar movie earned an elusive 100% on Rotten Tomatoes.
What is "Toy Story 2"?
This is the name of a species of ants that is exclusively found in Manhattan, NY.
What is "ManhattAnt"?
This is a genre that uses punk rock and trumpets.
What is "Ska"?
This was a scheduled event in September of 2019.
What is "The Area 51 Raid"?
This movie caused the sale of rodents to increase after it's release.
What is "Ratatouille"?
Who is "Courtney"?