What is 500-200?
How long does it take light to travel 1 year?
1 Year
After the death of her parents, a young socialite causes millions in property damage
What is Taco Cat backwards?
Cat Taco
This grand US attraction is popular because there is nothing there
The Grand Canyon
What are the first 3 digits of Pi?
What planet is no longer a planet?
This Again?
Groundhog's Day
Find a Funny Gif.
Whoever found the funniest gif wins
Rock Music started in what decade?
Flip a coin and guess right
Did you guess right?
What is the densest planet in the solar system?
Boy meets girl, loves girl, joins military to follow girl and kills bugs.
Starship Troopers
How does one get 30 extra lives?
What is the biggest rock on Earth?
How many degrees are in a circle?
What acts as the "speed limit of the universe"?
A Family's first Airbnb experience that goes very wrong
The Shining
You put this in a coconut and then drink them both up
This 80s rock band was founded in 1978 in Birmingham and sometimes called the "Fab Five"
I couldnt think of a fun or funny question so just write a math statement.
Did you write a math problem
How much time is in a Light Year?
None because a light year is a unit of measurement
A Group of Villagers intentionally cause a bunch of "accidents" so that they can win village of the year.
Hot Fuzz
Which country is known for being a stew with meat, peppers and tomatoes?
Pyramid of Giza is made of what type of stone?
Limestone (sedimentary rock)