This City is famous for cheese steaks and Rocky
What is Philadelphia
This 90's group gets "...knocked down" but they "get up again" and had a song called "tubthumper"
Who is Chumbawumba
This is the real name of the cat known for the Grumpy Cat Memes
Who is Tardar Sauce(RIP)
This animated witch is Merlins nemesis and she hates sunshine
who is Mad Madam Mim
This creature is believed to inhabit a scottish lake.
what is The Loch Ness Monster
Glacier national park is in this state
where is Montana
The 80's song "Take On Me" was written by what group?
who is A-HA
This Disney film features a black cat named Thackery Binx
What is Hocus Pocus
Played by David Bowie this character is a powerful magician in the Movie Labyrinth
Who is Jareth the Goblin King
This is the Himalayan snow dwelling version of Sasquatch
What is a Yeti or Abominable Snowman
This type of tree is the largest on earth and can only be found in CA
What is a Sequoia
This singer wrote 99 Luftbalons in the 1980's
who is Nena
Anciently this culture revered cats and would hold elaborate funerals for them when they died.
Who are the Egyptians
This witch is a professor and also head of the Gryffindor house
Who is professor Mcgonagall
This creature of South American legend would drink the blood of goats
What is Chupacabra
This is the deepest lake in the united states and is in southern oregon
what is crater lake
This singer from the 80's wears his "Sunglasses at Night"
who is Corey Hart
This is the worlds largest cat breed by height and weight.
What is the Savannah
In Lord of the Rings lore There are 2 blue wizards, 1 white, 1 gray, and 1 brown. This is the name of the Brown one.
Who is Radagast
This giant sea-dwelling creature of scandanavian legend would attack ships with it's tentacles
What is the Kraken
This is the only state where the Organ pipe cactus can be found
what is AZ
This group wrote the song "My Sharona"
Who is The Knack
This famous mathematician/astronomer invented the cat door because his cat's scratching at the door interrupted his work.
Who is Isaac Newton
A powerful sorceress in LOTR, This Elven sorceress rules the woods of Lothlorien
Who is Galadriel
This creature is believed to live in the southern U.S., has bat wings and a goat head & used to be a child cursed by a witch.
what is the Jersey Devil