A game in the winter Olympics is...
Skiing, Bobsleigh, Curling, Figure Skating, Hockey, short track, skeleton, luge, snowboard.
The food that has sauce and cheese that is Favorited by most people is...
This person is the Queen they are...
Queen Elizabeth The II.
This game has lots of blocks and updates the game is called...
These songs both mention a Tommy and Gina they are...
Livin' On A Prayer, Its My Life (Bon Jovi).
The 2020 Olympics were supposed to be held in...
Tokyo, Japan.
The food that is the main course of thanksgiving is...
This person was known as a great president of America that is named after a state they are...
George Washington.
This game was extremely popular before 2020 and has guns this game is called...
This band is famous and only 2 members are alive as of today they are...
The Beatles.
The winner of the 2010 Olympic games were...
Team Canada.
What kind of chocolate is made with milk and appears dark?
Milk Chocolate.
This person is know for being the leader of the German army they are...
Adolf Hitler.
This game has spacemen and hats it is called...
Among Us.
This band had their singer die to aids the band is called...
The sport where you do gymnastics to a beat is called...
Gymnastics Rhythmic.
Saskatoon Berries are a member of what family?
This person sailed the seas they are...
Christopher Columbus.
This game is the 5th game in the series it is...
Super Smash Brothers Ultimate.
This band is getting back together the band is...
The sport where you do 3 sports is called...
Raspberries are a member of what family?
This person invented the Lightning Rod they are...
Benjamin Franklin.
This game has cars and cops it is called...
Grand Theft Auto.
This band is named after stone they are...
The Rolling Stones.