This account allows you to deposit, withdraw, and earn interest on your money. You use this account to put money aside for a future goal or emergency fund.
Savings account
This is an institution that offers associate degrees and certificate programs that can be completed in two years or less.
Community College/Tech College
J.K. Rowling
You've received a friend request from someone you don't know, do you accept them?
No- you should decline the request.
This account is a great tool for managing your money day-to-day.
This account is a type of bank account that allows you to put money in- make a deposit
Or take money out- make a withdrawal
Checking Account
An institution that offers a bachelor's degree and is also known as an undergraduate college.
4- Year College
Amelia Earhart
Famous Aviator
You want to post a video to TikTok that shows your house and the street you live on in it. Should you still post this?
No, it's important not to give away to much personal information online
This is a check
This program allows you to learn from experienced workers where you spend most of your time on the job site, doing hands-on (paid) work. You may also take some classes related to the trade. Training can range from 12 months-6 years.
Apprenticeship Program
Pablo Picasso
Your friend always "checks in" to whatever location you are at, tagging you in the post too. Should you ask them to stop tagging you?
Yes- it isn't a good idea to share personal information like your location online when you aren't sure who will be able to see it.
When depositing a check into your bank account, what do you write/do on the back of the check?
You sign your name and write "For deposit only". Some banks may require you to also put your account number
This postsecondary training and employment option allows people to serve their country, develop transferable interpersonal and technical skills and involves 6 different branches.
Harry Houdini
You get an email from the app you use all the time asking for you password to fix a problem with your account, what do you do?
Don't click on any links. Go to the app itself and check for any messages. The email might be a scam trying to gain access to your personal details.
Where do you put who you're paying and where do you put your signature?
What are some ways you can make sure you're prepared for life after high school?
Explore your interests, learn about money, develop a plan, get work experience (paid or unpaid), etc.
Florence Nightingale
What is the most important thing to ask yourself before posting on social media?
-Will this make me popular?
-Will my friends think it's funny?
-Am I ok with everybody I know seeing this?
Am I ok with everybody I know seeing this. (According to Linkedin) around 70% of companies use social media screening when hiring.