Who is the most famous singer
what is Rihanna
The amount of eyes you have
What is two?
Good afternoon in japanese
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The year was spongebob created?
What is 1999
What is a famous holiday
what is Christmas
Who made bad guy?
What is billie eilesh
How many people there are in twins
What is two
Good night in japanese
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The year teen titians do was released.
What is April 23, 2013
The meme dog
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Who is the fastest rapper
What is eminem
what five centries are called
500 years
Goodbye in japanese
What is sayonara
The year proud family was released
what is September 15, 2001
WHat is 502+503
what is 1005
Who sings beepob
what is The dad
The amount of grades you go to
What is 12
How are you in japanese
What is genki desu ka
The year thats so raven was released
What is January 17, 2003
WHat many mins in hour
what is 60
Who fnf guy is tryin to save
What is his girlfriend
wHo SiNgS tHe HiLls?
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hows everything in japanese
What is dou shiteru
The year sister sister was released
What is April 1, 1994
The third planet from the sun
what is earth