This person has the 2nd most subscribed channel on youtube
This theory claims that extratorestrial life exists
Alien theory
What word was Michael jackson known for
he he
What is my favorite color
You like jazz
bee movie meme
What year was youtube created
This theory claims that the earth is not round
the flat earth theory
What hand did Michael Jackson have his glove on
left hand
What is my favorite animal
o line bad
Chiefs o line
This youtuber has the second most liked video on youtube.
Hint: they support pewdiepie
This theory claims that there is more than just our universe
The multiverse theory
What popular Michael jackson song had zombies in the music video
Who is Connors favorite singer
Michael Jackson
I can count to three
peppa pig
This youtuber has 100 subscribers and is only 12 yrs old
Novy nation
This theory claims that a famous singer who gos he he is still alive
Michael jackson is still alive theory
What year did Michael jackson die
What is Connors favorite food
taco salad
You underestimate my power
Hint: this person is from scooby doo
Shaggy meme
Pronounce the last name of the ceo of youtube.
Last name:Wojcicki
Ill tell u if u got it right
This theory claims that the earth is open on the inside
the hollow earth theory
Is MIchael Jackson cool
What is the thing that Connor hates the most
Sweet potatos
imposter meme