How many pets do I have?
1, a crusty eyed white dog
Favorite Color
Pink, Specifically Light pink
How many high schools did I go to?
2, Tusky and Buckeye Career Center
What's my least favorite sign?
What word did I think was a bad word when I was little?
How many siblings do I have?
Half, Full, and Step all Count
Favorite Animal?
Red Panda
What were my school colors?
Red and Black
What's my rising sign?
What 2 countries did I think were the same until I was in middle school?
Austria and Australia
How many parents do I have?
4, Mother, Step Dad, Father, Step Mom
Favorite/ Comfort Movie?
10 Things I Hate About You
Did I ever change schools?
No, I was always a student at Tusky
What element comes up most frequently in my chart?
Air and Fire are tied
What are my lucky numbers?
6 and 9
At it's max, how many people were living in my house?
Favorite Flower?
What was the highest level of math I took before college?
Pre Calc
What sign do I know the least of?
How many states have I been to?
12.5, Ohio, West Virginia, Pennsylvania, Indiana, Kentucky, Tennessee, New York, New Jersey, Maryland, Florida, Colorado, and Wyoming (D.C. is the .5)
When I was a kid how many grandmas and how many grandpas did I have?
3 Grandmas, 1 Grandpa
Favorite type of blanket/covering to sleep with?
Am I technically "gifted" in any subjects?
Yes, Science and English
What sign do I know the most of?
What's my favorite time period for clothing?