Trivia Question: What are the colors of the rainbow?
Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue, Indigo, & Violet
What state do we live in?
What is Mr. Odom's baby's name?
Trivia Question: How many eyes does a spider have?
Answer: 8
Trivia Question: What month of the year is Labor Day celebrated in?
Trivia Question: How many planets are there in the solar system?
Eight (Pluto is no longer included)
Trivia Question: Rome is located in what country?
Trivia Question: What type of triangle has all equal sides?
Trivia Question: What type of animal is a cross between a beaver and a duck?
Name one of the streets Chippewa Middle School is on.
Hodgeson Connection
What to stinkbugs eat?
Wasp Pupae
Trivia Question: What is the capital of Minnesota?
St. Paul
Trivia Question: How many sides does a pentagon have?
These organisms live and feed off of their host (animal), causing disease or even death.
What is the name of our principal
Mrs. Hollihan
Trivia Question: Describe a Zombie Caterpillar
Answers will vary
Trivia Question: The islands of Hawaii are located in what ocean?
What is Ms. Blaske's dog's name?
Answer: Gizmo
Trivia Question: Which sea animal has tentacles that sting?
What is Ms. Blaske's first name?
Trivia Question: What animals lay their eggs in caterpillars to create Zombie Cattepillars?
Trivia Question: What state is home of the Everglades?
Answer: Florida
What did the Zombie Catepillars do when the stinkbug came near?
Waved around wildly
Trivia Question: How many legs do Lobsters have?
10 legs
When is the last day of school?
June 9th