What is the nearest planet to the sun?
The capital of Massachusetts
How many weeks in a year?
Trivia Question: The only flying mammal.
What is a bat?
How many 4th grade teachers are there at Lula?
What 2 planets have rings around them?
Saturn, Jupiter, Uranus and Neptune
Which continent is china in?
Trivia Question: How many days in a non leap year?
365 days
Trivia question: What is the largest animal in the ocean?
Blue whale
Double Jeopardy:
What is our assistant principal's name?
Mr. Clark
What is the chemical formula for water
Double Jeopardy:
Capital city of the United States?
Washington D.C
Trivia Question: How many inches in a foot?
Trivia Question: How many legs does a spider have?
Answer: Eight
What is the Lula mascot?
The Richter scale is used to measure the magnitude of what natural phenomenon?
Trivia Question: Which continent is also an island?
Trivia Question: How many school days are there in a year?
Trivia Question: The maximum number of eggs hens lay per day?
What is one egg?
Mr. Thomas
Double Jeopardy
What are the colors of the rainbow?
Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue, Indigo, & Violet
What country is Paris in?
Trivia Question: At what temperature does water freeze?
32 degrees Fahrenheight or 0 degrees Celsius
Trivia Question: From which part of a dog's body does sweat get excreted?
Their paws
Name 1 teacher in 5th grade
McIntyre, Gillespie, Holtzclaw