what is earth
(if wrong answer said by any team -900
what is a planet
This living animal has the heaviest brain... A: African Bush Elephant, B: Black Rhinoceros, C: Sperm Whale, D: Human
What is C. Sperm Whales. They have the heaviest brain of any living animal. The average Sperm Whale's brain weighs more than 20 pounds (9 kilograms) which is about 4 times heavier than the average human brain.
who was the first president to get shot in their head
(if wrong -1000 if right +1000 for both teams)
Abraham Lincoln
this drink is watermelon flavor and half of nyc drinks it
watermelon arizona
oh im gonna take my horse to the old town road
im gonna ride till i cant no more
what is the largest object in the world
Hint: can be a building
if wrong +100
Burj Khalifa
The three main parts of a comet are the nucleus, the tail, and the _____. A: Zenith, B: Umbra, C: Radiant, D: Coma
What is D. Coma. The coma consists of gases and dust around the nucleus.
whats mr h middle name
if u from nyc fill in the blank
___ over ____
IF WRONG -2000
Chicken/lamb over rice
idc if he blood or he crip
if he jacking the opps everybody get hit
what is the second most eaten food in america
if right +500 points
french fries
It is the term for the condition when three celestial bodies are arranged in a straight line... A: Occultation, B: Parallax, C: Syzygy, D: Triple Transit
What is C: Syzygy. Syzygy is the condition when three celestial bodies are arranged in a straight line--as, for example, when the Sun, Moon, and Earth are aligned during solar and lunar eclipses.
who is the smartest man in the world
William James Sidis
what green smushy substance do mexicans love?
i know my heart cant take no more
but i just keep running back for more
what color clothes absorbs more light
if wrong -400
black clothes
Matter that does not enter chemical reactions is described as this... A: Inhibited, B: Inert, C: Grounded, D: Radioactive
What is B: Inert. Inert matter does not enter chemical reactions.
what 2 chemicals make salt
sodium and chloride.
what do jamaicans love to eat with yellow crust
mr dump for the 6 i dont cap for no views
they gone ask but im telling the truth i threw a shot cs i thought it was moose
what does eos stand for
if wrong - 600
every opp shot
These are microscopic spheres of 60 atoms of pure carbon in a sphere like structure that resembles a geodesic dome... A: Hydrocarbons, B: Lipids, C: Crystals, D: Buckyballs
What is D: Buckyballs. "Buckyballs" are microscopic spheres of 60 atoms of pure carbon in a spherelike structure that resembles a geodosic dome.
what is one thing i come to school with everyday
any type of drink is right
what animal does oxtail come from
hint:not a cow
and ik thats its not fair
that dont mean that i dont care -flatline justin bieber