This country is the world's top military spender. Spending over $916 billion in 2023.
What is the United States of America?
This president was the only one to be elected to office four times and issued more executive orders than any other president?
Who is Franklin D. Roosevelt?
fracture a femur bone
break a leg
Aided by his 6-foot-4-inch height, this U.S. president won an estimated 300 wrestling matches.
“Ask not what your country can do for you; ask what you can do for your country.”
Who is John F. Kennedy?
Ironically named a "Democratic People's Republic", this dictatorship has long been an enemy to the US.
What is North Korea?
What is the Democratic People's Republic of Korea?
The Watergate scandal this president was involved in is a great example of impeachment. Primarily because it never works.
Who is Richard Nixon?
beneath the meteorological conditions
under the weather
This scientist was known for eating exotic animals whenever he could, including giant tortoises of the Galapagos Islands.
Who is Charles Darwin?
“Float like a butterfly, sting like a bee.”
Who is Muhammad Ali?
One of the largest democracies on the planet, this country holds the record for most votes cast in an election: 1 billion.
What is India?
What is Plessy v. Ferguson?
observe prior to bounding
look before you leap
Before publishing her first memoir in 1969, this author would sing and dance under the name Miss Calypso.
Who is Maya Angelou?
God “does not play dice.”
Who is Albert Einstein?
This country has the most speed demons. Or at least, one would assume. Seeing as the roads have no speed limit.
What is Germany?
This is the type of government the US uses.
What is a Federal/Democratic/Republic?
(If they got all three, give 800 points.)
strike the satchel
hit the sack
This Founding Father invented a swimming aid at the age of 11, decades before creating bifocal glasses and the lightning rod.
Who is Benjamin Franklin?
“The world will little note, nor long remember, what we say here, but it can never forget what they did here.”
Who is Abraham Lincoln?
Boasting an average of 2,252 annual hours spent working per capita, this country is considered the most overworked country in the world.
What is Peru?
This English philosopher exercised great influence on both the Enlightenment and the U.S. Constitution.
Who is John Locke?
disgorge the legumes
spill the beans
In a letter to his cousin (and eventual wife), Elsa, this scientist admitted to hating socks and rarely wore them.
Who is Albert Einstein?
“The report of my death was an exaggeration.”
Who is Mark Twain?