Trivia Question: What are the colors of the rainbow?
(Please name at least 5)
Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue, Indigo, & Violet
Trivia Question: What do bees make?
Trivia Question: A compass shows how many directions?
4 (North, South, East, West)
Trivia Question: What kind of shape is a stop sign?
Is it a square, a circle, a pentagon, an octagon or an oval?
Answer: An octagon
Trivia Question: What bird lives in Antarctica and cannot fly?
Trivia Question: Which planet in the Milky Way is the biggest?
Trivia Question: What is it called when birds fly to warmer climates for the winter?
Trivia Question: What are animals who eat meat called?
What the shortest month of the year?
What is the May 24th holiday celebrating?
Queen Victoria's Birthday as we are a British Commonwealth country.
Trivia Question: What color is a daffodil?
Trivia Question: What part of a plant absorbs water to grow?
Trivia Question: What do you call a baby cat?
Trivia Question: How many arms does a starfish have?
Trivia Question: What is the tallest animal?
Trivia Question: What fruit do raisins come from?
Trivia Question: How many legs does a spider have?
Trivia Question: Name a mammal that can’t jump
Answer: Elephant, sloth, hippo, & rhino
Trivia Question: Which sea animal has tentacles that sting?
Trivia Question: What is an example of a protein?
Answer: Meat, Fish, Eggs, Beans, Milk, Cheese
Trivia Question: What do you call a baby lion?
A cub
Trivia Question: What is the fastest land animal?
Answer: The Cheetah
Trivia Question: Name 3 of the 4 things an animal needs to survive.
Air, Water, Food, Shelter
Trivia Question: Which bird can learn to mimic human speech?
Trivia Question: What is the official logo of Franklin Street PS?
A Falcon