This kid recently solved a Rubik's Cube on Zoom.
Who is Stephen?
1st Corinthians 8:1 states, "While knowledge makes us feel important, it is this that strengthens the church."
What is love?
There are this many Fruit of the Spirit.
What is 9?
He came down to Earth in the form of a baby and died on the cross for our sins (the hardest question on here amiright).
Who is Jesus?
This guy cut off a soldier's ear with a sword and Jesus healed it.
Who is Peter?
This kid uses memes as their background on Zoom.
Who is Ben?
1st Corinthians 6:2 says that these people will someday judge the world.
Who are Believers?
There are this many books of the Bible.
What are 66?
This guy was told to build a boat and take two of each animal on it.
Who is Noah?
Jesus was pierced in the side by this weapon.
What is a spear?
This kid turns their camera on and then points it at their ceiling or under their sheets.
Who is Sebastian?
1st Corinthians compares sin to "a little yeast that spreads through the whole batch of this."
What is dough?
This fraction of angels left Heaven with Lucifer.
What is 1/3rd.
This guy led the Exodus of Israelites to the Promise Land from Egypt.
Who is Moses?
Peter died by this, but upside down at his own request.
What is crucifixion.
This kid used to sew very loudly off mute during Zoom sessions.
Who is Taylor?
1st Corinthians 4:2 says that someone put in charge as a manager must be this fruit of the spirit.
What is faithful?
God said that Abraham will have as many descendants as there are this.
What are stars in the sky?
He betrayed Jesus with a kiss for thirty pieces of silver.
Who is Judas?
This apostle, sharing the name of a kid in our youth group, died by being stoned.
Who is Stephen?
This kid is always wearing a hoodie and laughing.
Who is Daniel?
In 1st Corinthians, Jesus is referred to as the Passover this animal.
What is Lamb?
The Holy Trinity consists of this many "beings."
What are three?
He killed his brother Abel because God favored Abel's sacrifice.
Who is Cain?
This disciple died by suicide after realizing he made a bad decision.
Who is Judas?