The two Diseny princesses that have red hair
Who are Merideth and Ariel
An actor who has a new news show and was a character in this loved show that premiered 2005
What is the office
Square,Gooey,and Chocolatey
What is Brownies
What is Tissue
7 book series but eight movies
What is Harry Potter
This princesses father was an inventor
Who is Belle
A Netflix show staring Dove Camron and her "twin"
What is Liv and Maddie
Crusty,Warm, and Round
What is Pie
What is Pillow
What district are you in? May the odds ever be in your favor!
What is the Hunger Games
She is the only princess with a child
Who is Ariel
Nick Cannon hosts this one of a kind show where even a fox can win can
What is the Masked Singer
Soft,Thin, and Chewy
What is Cookies
What is Flower
Only two of these movies were made from the books about greek mytholagy
What is the Percy Jackson Series
These 3 Diseny princesess did NOT have a love intrest
Who are Elsa,Merideth,and Moana
Donnie Whalberg acts in a crime solving show that has 10 seasons
What is Blue Bloods
Airy,Sponge like,Sweet
What is Cake
What is a Couch
Mid-Night, Vampires
What is Twilight
This princess had a visible tattoo
Who is Moana
A show where you flash back in time to show and compare the dads life to his daughter
What is Sydny to the Max
Small,cookie, Very hard to make
What is a Macaroon
What is Bookcase
What is Lord of the Rings