Monk's secret power
What is, He can read people's thoughts.
1/8 x 9/6 =
1/5 divided by 2/3
The job of the digestive system
What is break down food
Ms. Johnson's favorite football team
Who are the Dolphins
Monk asked Angel for this
What is a kiss
9/10 x 8/15 =
36/75 double the points
2/9 divided by 3/4
Another word for cardiac
What is Heart
Mrs. Morrese's husband's name
Who is Steve
Monk's best friend
Who is Herve
13/11 x 1/3 =
10/13 divided by 2/5
1 24/26 double the points
This is found in the Cranial Cavity
What is the brain
Ms. Johnson's favorite color
What is purple
Where Monk got his powers
What is a car accident
9/15 x 3/5 =
3/5 double the points
9/1 divided by 11/4 =
3 3/11 double the points
The largest organ in the body also called the epidermis
What is skin
3 animals at Mrs. Morrese's house
What are dogs, cats, and chickens
The game played in Mr. Olley's class to prepare for a quiz
What is Jeopardy
12/16 x 11/15 =
11/20 double the points
6/5 divided by 9/13 =
1 33/45 double the points
The A in A&P stands for....
What is Anatomy
Mrs. Morrese and Ms. Johnson's classroom #
What is 201 A