This is the minimum number of candidates voters rank on a ranked choice ballot.
What is one?
Ranked choice voting ensures that this majority proportion is needed for a candidate to win.
What is over 50% of votes?
Ranked choice voting ensures that winners have this level of support.
What is majority support?
Ranked choice voting requires voters to be familiar with this aspect of the candidates.
What are their platforms or policies?
This state became the second in the U.S. to adopt ranked choice voting statewide.
What is Alaska?
Ranked choice voting is also known by this term.
What is instant-runoff voting?
If no candidate receives a majority, the candidate with this result is eliminated.
What is the fewest first-choice votes?
Ranked choice voting encourages this kind of campaigning among candidates.
What is positive or coalition-building campaigning?
Some argue that ranked choice voting doesn’t work well in races with this characteristic.
What is a large number of candidates?
This major U.S. city adopted ranked choice voting for its mayoral election in 2021.
What is New York City?
Ranked choice voting is an alternative to this single-selection voting method.
What is plurality voting?
When a voter’s top choice is eliminated, their vote goes to this option.
What is their next-ranked candidate?
Ranked choice voting can reduce the need for this type of additional election.
What is a runoff election?
Ranked choice voting relies on this technology to count votes efficiently.
What is specialized voting software?
Ranked choice voting is often used in non-governmental elections, including for this prominent award.
What is the Academy Awards (Oscars)?
In ranked choice voting, a candidate must secure this to win outright in the first round.
What is a majority of first-choice votes?
This term describes the process of redistributing votes after a candidate is eliminated.
What is instant-runoff?
Ranked choice voting reduces negative campaigning by encouraging candidates to appeal to this group.
What is second-choice voters?
Critics argue ranked choice voting is more expensive due to these election-related needs.
What are ballot design and vote-counting systems?
This year saw the first statewide ranked choice voting implementation in a U.S. presidential election.
What is 2020?
Ranked choice voting is primarily used in these two types of elections.
What are single-winner and multi-winner elections?
In case of a tie for elimination, this determines which candidate is eliminated.
What is a pre-determined tiebreaker or random selection?
Ranked choice voting reduces the risk of this, where similar candidates cut into each other's base.
What is vote splitting?
Voters in a ranked choice election may leave sections of their ballots blank, leading to this "issue".
What is undervoting?
Ranked choice voting is also used in this country to elect members of the House of Representatives.
What is Ireland?