The command used to start CX6.
mvn blade:run
The npm command to package apps will output a provisioning package to this location
This method is used to invoke and see the value of an observable.
The version of node (and above) required for CX6.
8.11.4 LTS
This property is required by the PageModel to render a widget.
This is the port to access CX6's Base and Editorial services.
All top-level widgets have to be added to both of these locations to render in the standalone app.
dev-mocks & appModule
In RxJs a pure function is called this.
Command will create a widget in this directory.
libs directory
This container allows you to create multiple panels/views and display one at time.
Deck Container
Add this to localStorage to show mock data.
EnableMocks = true
This directive points to the context of the host component of the custom template.
This method can allow any pure function to act as an operator and can chain multiple operators.
Save multiple configurations for use with bb-cli tools in this location.
These platform services run locally via docker. Name them.
ActiveMQ & MySQL
Allocated areas on a widget that can be linked to content snippets
Content Slots
Mock data is imported into the AppModule via this module
This function can transparently perform actions or side-effects returning output identical to the source.
do() // deprecated
This xi18n command will output an .xlf file in this directory in the application source folder.
This template can support different types of components rendered by different frameworks.
Lean Page Template
This is what B.L.A.D.E stands for.
Backbase Local Application Development Environment
This Backbase Foundation service should be imported to access manageable properties (ie widget preferences)
Observables are objects with 3 methods. Name them.
The name of the WA3 generator used by the BB-CLI tools (replaces the angular-cli and has a debug mode)
The "bb" prefix is not needed for classes because they are not global. But it should be used for these
directive selectors