This theme is the unifying theme of all standard widget collections
White Label Theme
@NgModule() and @Component() are examples of what.
class decorators
This data type is used to represent both integer and floating-point numbers
A very simple box that can be used as part of other containers or stand alone.
Panel Container
White Label Theme & Backbase Theme
Name the 3 ways data binding occurs in an Angular template
Property binding
Event binding
Two-way binding
A place to access Backbase specific FE Building blocks/components/collections
This type is generally used on function return types
The command to start Docker for CX6
docker-compose up
Adding this flag [--projectName] to theme generation command will create a theme.scss and add an automatic reference where.
Both of these decorators are used to communicate between parent/child components.
@Input() & @Output()
A structural contract that defines the properties of an object by name and types.
In the standalone app, widget preferences should be defined here
properties within dev-mocks
Besides additional customizations and styling enhancements, the main gap that the Backbase theme fulfills is what.
motion / animation
The :host pseudo css selector is use to target styles in this element
the host element
(the parent component template)
WA3 Documentation, RnD Internal, and Draft Proposals can all be found here.
SuDoKu Confluence
Not all properties are required on a interface. Optional properties and be defined with this.
The method returns a widget preference as what type.
Name the 3 distinct layers of the White Label Theme
White Label
When exporting a new data service in Angular, this decorator marks the class as one that participates in the Dependency Injection System
UI / UX Guideline, documentation, and a visual library of UI Components all make up this package.
BB Design System
Const is used for variables. This designation is used for properties that can only be modified at creation.
Name the 3 blade platform services that support CX6.
Registry, Gateway, Authentication
(Register, Edge, Authentication)