What is the definition of a rare disease in the United States?
What is a disease that affects fewer than 200,000 people?
Heritage recently rebranded! What is our new name?
What is Heritage Specialty Pharmacy?
This singer is in a famous boyband and has Type 1 Diabetes, an autoimmune disease that affects insulin production.
Who is Nick Jonas?
What color is featured in Heritage’s branding?
What is blue?
Why is Rare Disease Day celebrated on February 28/29th?
What is because it’s the rarest day of the year!
This organization is known for advocating for people with rare diseases.
What is NORD – National Organization for Rare Disorders?
What year was Heritage Biologics founded?
What is 2014?
This singer and former American Idol contestant has a rare neurological disorder called Guillain-Barré Syndrome, which affects the nerves and can cause paralysis.
Who is Clay Aiken?
Name all 5 of Heritage’s core values.
What is Passion, Empathy, Trustworthy, Ownership of Outcomes, No Entitlement.
The rare disease community often uses the slogan “When you hear hoofbeats, think of _______.”
What are zebras?
How many people are living with a rare disease worldwide?
What is 300 million?
Heritage was the first specialty pharmacy to partner with this internationally known institute to formalize its PX program.
What is the Beryl Institute?
This actor, who starred in Harry Potter, lives with dyspraxia, a neurological condition affecting coordination and movement.
Who is Daniel Radcliffe?
What is Heritage’s 10-year target?
What is $750 million?
What month is “Bleeding Disorders Awareness Month"
What is March?
What percentage of rare diseases are genetic?
What is 72%?
Name 3 roles on a patient’s care team.
What is
PX Nav
This legendary boxer, known as “The Greatest,” was diagnosed with Parkinson’s disease, a rare neurodegenerative disorder.
Who is Muhammad Ali?
Name all the departments on the Accountability Chart.
What is BD, Finance, Operations, IT, Quality, Business Admin.
What law was passed in 1983 to promote drug development for rare diseases?
What is the Orphan Drug Act?
What percentage of rare diseases have an FDA-approved treatment?
How many locations does Heritage operate out of, also naming the city and state?
What is Lee’s Summit, MO and Plano, TX?
This rare neurological disorder causes progressive muscle weakness and is named after a famous baseball player.
What is ALS – Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis, or Lou Gehrig’s Disease?
Recite Heritage’s purpose statement.
Bonus +100 if you can also recite our Niche
What is Delivering a level of care few are willing to provide.
Personalized & Comprehensive Pharmacy Services
What is the clothing item that is worn to symbolize unity and awareness for hemophilia and other bleeding disorders during Bleeding Disorders Awareness Month?
What is a red tie for the "Red Tie Challenge”?