What was the one place Dadima visited the most apart from Dehli?
What was Dadimas parents full name?
Mehal Singh Gulati and Pyaar Kaur Gulati
Which cuisine does Dadima like best (other than indian or punjabi)
Ajay Devgan
What was Dadimas favorite hairstyle in her youth?
Anything similar to this answer is acceptable
When Dadima went to India, which bone did she hurt?
Arm Fracture
What is something Dadima is most scared of?
What is Dadimas Favorite Fruit?
BONUS 2x For using the word (Gitak)
What is Dadimas Favorite Bollywood Movie?
Where did Daddyji and Dadima Cruise for a week + on a trip with all their siblings and friends?
Where in India did Dadima first live for a brief period?
How many years difference is my Nanima and Dadima?
5 years (4.5 to be precise)
Which Indian Dish does Dadima enjoy to cook the most? (Or enjoys to consumer..either or)
Kaanchi Fuul
What is Dadimas Favorite Song?
Tu Kitni Achi Hai
Where did Dadima use to sneak out of the house and go to with her friends?
Merry King
Which hotel did Dadima stay the most in India?
What was the most recent song Dadima danced to at a wedding?
Palki main hokein shawal chari mein (chan chan chan)
What was Dadimas favorite thing to put on bread when she was young?
Malai and Sugar (BONUS x2)
Only Malai or Only Sugar (x1)
- Butter is NOT acceptable
Who was Dadimas favorite ACTOR in Bollywood?
Dev Anand
What was Dadimas favorite dress to wear when she was young?
Garara and Sharara
What incident happened with Dadima and Daddyji in Delhi years ago?
They forgot their passport in a Taxi
Where did Dadima and Daddyji go for their honeymoon?
Hua Hin
What is Dadimas favorite drink?
Who is Dadimas favorite actress?
Where did Dadima find a $1000 in her youth? (Be specific)
Telephone Booth Soi 39