Multiplication of Decimals
Division of Decimals
____ : 10 = 8 : 20
What is 4
A dozen eggs cost $2.04. Find the unit rate.
The unit rate is 6 cents.
what percent is 36 of 48?
What is 75%
1.4 x 5.3
What is 7.42
Is the following solution correct... 6.25 divided by 0.25 = 30 if not what is the correct answer.
What is no, the correct answer is 25.
The ratio of the height of a triangle to it's base is 2:3. If the height is 10cm, what is the length of the base?
What is 15 cm.
You have to mail out some invitations to a party. You need a booklet of 20 stamps, which will cost you $17. What did you pay per stamp?
You paid $0.85 per stamp.
25% of _____ = 9
What is 36.
You need 0.75kg of chocolate chips for a recipe. At Bulk Barn they cost $7.99 per kg. How much will you pay for the chocolate chips?
What is $5.99.
Calculate 6.93 divided by 0.33
What is 21
An equivalent ratio of 6:15
Answers may vary.
I made $385 at my job this week for working 25 hours. How much is my hourly wage? How much money would I make if I worked 40 hours per week?
What is $15.40 an hour and $616 per week for 40 hours.
fill in the chart: Fraction Ratio Decimal Percent a) 3/12 b) 0.65 c) 8:20 d) 95%
A) 3:12 0.25 25% B)65/100 or 13/20 65:100 or 13:20 65% c)8/20 0.40 40% D)95/100 or 19/20 95:100 or 19/20 0.95
I need to buy more pencils for the class. They cost $0.79 per pencil and I 28 of them. How much will it cost?
What is $22.12
calculate Rob earned $542.50 last week and earns $15.50 an hour. How many hours did he work last week.
What is 35 hours.
The number of star stickers to heart stickers in a box is 4:5.There are 320 star stickers. How many heart stickers are there?
What is 400
I took a road trip to Halifax, Nova Scotia from my home in Georgetown, which is a distance of 1845km. It took us 16 hours to make the trip. On average, how many kilometers per hour did we drive?
We drove, on average, 115 km per hour.
At a hockey game, 85% of the tickets were sold. The stadium holds 1200 people. How many tickets were sold? How many tickets were NOT sold?.
What is 1020 tickets were sold and 180 were NOT sold.
It costs 98.9 cents a litre for gas. How much will it cost to fill my 48.3L tank in my car?
What is $47.77 cents to fill my tank.
What was the average speed of a train that travelled 675 km in 4.5 hours?
What is 150 km per hour.
Brian is making cupcakes. To make 12 cupcakes you need 3 cups of batter, 1 cup water, 1/2 cup of oil and 2 eggs. If Brain would like to make 60 cupcakes how much batter, water, oil and eggs would he need? Write as a ratio.
What is 15:5:2.5:10
At Costco, a 5 pack of toothbrushes costs $16.97 and at Walmart a 2 pack costs $9.48. Find the unit rate. Which is the better deal?
Costco unit rate is $3.39 and Walmart unit rate is 4.74. Therefore, Costco is the better deal.
You took a loan from the bank for $1750 at in interest rate of 4% per year. What is the interest amount you are paying per year in dollars? How much interest will you pay over 5 years?..
What is $70 per year and $350 over 5 years.
A carpenter charged $1455.98 for materials plus $35.75 per hour for 22.5 hours of work. How much was the total bill?
The total bill is $2260.36.
Laura filled her gas tank with 48.3L of gas and paid $37.43. What was the price of gas she paid per litre?
What is 77.5 cents a litre.