-10/12 simplified
What is -5/6?
How you convert fractions to decimals
What is dividing?
You need to do this in order to add fractions
What is a common denominator
5.5 - 8.1
What is -2.6?
What is 1/3?
What is KCF (Keep, Change, Flip)?
An integer
What is a positive or negative whole number
-24/30 simplified
What is -4/5?
How you convert a decimal to a fraction
What is the decimal place value
What is 15/10 or 1 1/2?
3 3/4 - 2 1/8
What is 1 5/8?
-1.6 x (0.5)
What is -5.6?
Method for dividing decimals
What is moving the decimals?
A rational number
What is a positive or negative fraction or decimal?
-42/14 simplified
What is -3?
0.45 as a fraction
What is 9/20?
-7/2 + 5/4
What is -2 1/4 or -9/4.
-2.2 - 8.4
What is 10.6?
Method for multiplying decimals
What is moving decimals and adding them back?
1/2 -: 1/3
What is 3/2
What is a +
124/24 simplified
What is -5 1/6?
-7/8 as a decimal
What is -0.875?
10.9 + (-15.6) + 2.1
What is -2.6?
7.85 - (-9.06)
What is -1.21?
How do you multiply fractions
-0.1 -: -0.02
What is 5?
What is -24/25?
-2900/500 simplified
What is -5 4/5?
5/6 as a decimal
What is
9.2 + (-2.8)
What is 6.4?
3 1/4-(-1 3/4)
What is 5?
-3 1/5*-1 3/4
What is 5 3/5?
1 1/2 -: -1/3
What is -6/2
Ordered from least to greatest:
{11/5, 2 3/5, 2.4}
What is 11/5, 2.4, 2 3/5?