Unit Rate

Carlos can read 55 pages of a book in 3 hours.

At this rate, how many pages can Henry read in 6 hours?

Carlos can read 55 pages of a book in 3 hours.

At this rate, how many pages can Henry read in 6 hours?


Leon is helping his baby sister Daphne eat her dinner. There are 12 peas left in Daphne's bowl and 7 peas squished in her hair.

The ratio of peas in Daphne's bowl to peas in her hair.

There are 12 peas in the bowl and 7 peas in her hair.


Carlos can read 55 pages of a book in 3 hours.

What is the Unit Rate?

The Unit Rate is 18.33 pages per hour. 


Leon is helping his baby sister Daphne eat her dinner. There are 12 peas left in Daphne's bowl and 7 peas squished in her hair.

Create a proportion for the peas in Daphne's bowl and her hair.

7 out of 19 peas in her hair 


12 out of 19 peas in her bowl.


Convert: 72 in=___________ ft

6 ft


Jorge can do 5 pages of math problems in 1 hour.

At this rate, how many pages can Jorge complete in in 3 hours?

Jorge can complete 15 pages of math in 3 hours.


Dana loves rocks! She has 6 pieces of granite, 3 pieces of marble, 14 pieces of sandstone, and 1 piece of slate.

The ratio of pieces of slate to pieces of marble in Dana's collection.

1 piece of slate to 3 pieces of marble


Jorge can do 5 pages of math problems in 1 hour.

What is the Unit Rate?

Unit Rate is 5 pages per hour. 


Dana loves rocks! She has 6 pieces of granite, 3 pieces of marble, 14 pieces of sandstone, and 1 piece of slate.

Create a proportion of pieces of slate to pieces of all the rocks in Dana's collection.

1 piece of slate out of 24 pieces of rock

or 1/24


Convert: 16qt=___________ cups

64 cups


Henry can write 5 1/4 pages of his novel in 3 hours.

At this rate, how many pages can Henry write in 8 hours?

He can write 14 pages in 8 hours. 


Dana loves rocks! She has 6 pieces of granite, 3 pieces of marble, 14 pieces of sandstone, and 1 piece of slate.

The ratio of pieces of granite to pieces of marble in Dana's collection.

6 pieces of granite to 3 pieces of marble


Henry can write 5 1/4 pages of his novel in 3 hours.

What is the Unit Rate?

Henry can write 1.75 pages of his novel per hour.


Dana loves rocks! She has 6 pieces of granite, 3 pieces of marble, 14 pieces of sandstone, and 1 piece of slate.

Create a proportion of pieces of granite out of pieces of marble and granite in Dana's collection.

6 pieces of granite out of 9 pieces of marble and granite.


6 out of 9

or 6/9


Convert: 400 cups=___________gal

25 gal


At the market, 5 light bulbs cost $9.85.

How much do 7 light bulbs cost?

7 light bulbs would cost $13.79.


Dana loves rocks! She has 6 pieces of granite, 3 pieces of marble, 14 pieces of sandstone, and 1 piece of slate.

The ratio of pieces of sandstone to pieces of marble in Dana's collection.

14 pieces of sandstone to 3 pieces of marble


At the market, 5 light bulbs cost $9.85.

What is the Unit Rate?

1 light bulb costs $1.97


Dana loves rocks! She has 6 pieces of granite, 3 pieces of marble, 14 pieces of sandstone, and 1 piece of slate.

Create a proportion of pieces of sandstone to pieces of total rocks in Dana's collection.

14 pieces of sandstone out of 24 rocks




Convert: 598 m=___________cm

59,800 cm 


Frances can complete 91 oil changes in 7 days.

How many oil changes can Frances complete in 11 days?

He can complete 13 in one day and can complete 143 in 11 days.


For the perfect cup of hot cocoa, Eva uses 3 scoops of hot cocoa mix, 10 miniature marshmallows, and 8 ounces of water.

The ratio of scoops of hot cocoa to miniature marshmallows.

3 scoops of hot cocoa mix to 10 miniature marshmallows


Frances can complete 91 oil changes in 7 days.

What is the Unit Rate?

Frances can do 13 oil changes in one day. 


For the perfect cup of hot cocoa, Eva uses 3 scoops of hot cocoa mix, 10 miniature marshmallows, and 8 ounces of water.

Create a proportion for each of the three ingredients. Scoops of hot cocoa, miniature marshmallows, cups of hot water.

3 scoops hot cocoa out of 21 ingredients 

10 marshmallows out of 21 ingredients

8 cups of water out of 21 ingredients


Convert: 620 g=___________kg

