Games, Games, Games
Everybody Loves "Ray"chel
So Yesteryear
Rotten Reviews

Hosted by fellow Canadian Alex Trebek, this is Raychel's favorite game show.

What is Jeopardy?


A celebratory exclamation used in Raychel's most frequently used username (just slap a "chel" on the end).

What is "hooray"?


You may have heard Raychel complain about her last full time job, working in this position at a freshman dorm.

What is property manager?


Raychel's favorite instacat is Nacho, who belongs to this gingery Food Network star.

Who is Bobby Flay?


"Do the dinosaurs work? Indeed they do. Does anything else? Not really."

What is Jurassic Park?


Raychel is currently playing a halfling warlock in this tabletop RPG game.

What is Dungeons and Dragons?


Band behind the medical drama classic "How to Save a Life".

(This has nothing to do with Raychel other than the fact that this was the only other clue she could come up with for this category)

Who is The Fray?


Raychel attended a General Assembly program in this city in order to be closer to her family (and her favorite baseball team) for the summer.

What is Boston?


Raychel attended Lewis & Clark College before transferring to this much larger Portland school.

What is Portland State University?


"'No!' is the first word spoken in [the film], and it should be the last said in response to Paul Thomas Anderson's latest pretend epic."

What is There Will Be Blood?


Raychel only owns the original German version of this board game, though the bumper sticker on her car is in English.

What is Settlers of Catan?


Raychel's first use of the Face Swap filter was to make a pun combining her name with this Achey Breaky Heart singer.

Who is Billy Ray Cyrus?


You could say it's Raychel (who walked across the screen in season 2 episode 3) not creator Aidy Bryant who's the true star of this show.

What is Shrill?


Raychel has a tattoo of a lion-turtle, a powerful creature in this-- her favorite tv show.

What is Avatar the Last Airbender?


"[Bud Cort and Ruth Gordon] both are so aggressive, so creepy and off-putting."

What is Harold and Maude?


Raychel only plays two video games. One is a farming simulator, featured on her work computer's background.

What is Stardew Valley?


Please don't call Raychel by this Food Network chef's name. No matter how much you love sammies.

Who is Rachael Ray?


The first thing Raychel did when she returned to Portland after her summer away was see this beloved band from her childhood, featuring Howie, Kevin, AJ, Brian, and Nick.

Who are The Backstreet Boys?


Raychel once broke her foot by doing this very common activity.

What is walking?


"She has too many exes. They should have stopped at four, because it just means these repetitive fights that are the same and they're all unbelievable and it becomes extremely tedious."

What is Scott Pilgrim vs. The World?


Raychel's favorite social games, made by this company, come in party packs and allow each player to play using their own mobile device.

What is Jackbox Games?


Raychel became the traitor last time she played this spooky semi-cooperative board game.

What is Betrayal Beyond the House on the Hill?


It hasn't come out yet, but there's a good chance you'll see the top of Raychel's head in season 2 of this Netflix show about thieving Portland teens.

What is Trinkets?


Most people think Raychel's a Slytherin, but she actually identifies as a member of this, the least-featured house in the Harry Potter series.

What is Hufflepuff?


"A cheap Sisyphean metaphor literally drives the thing: at first played for laughs, it's recycled to the point of nausea."

What is Little Miss Sunshine?
