Functional Communication Training
What does "FCT" stand for in ABA?
Escape, Attention, Access to tangibles, and Automatic reinforcement
What are the four primary functions of behavior?
A socially acceptable behavior taught to replace a problem behavior
What is a "replacement behavior"?
A strategy used to assist the learner in engaging in the correct behavior
What is prompting?
Saying or signing “look at me” or tapping your shoulder
What replacement behavior could you teach?
To teach individuals to replace problem behaviors with functional communication skills
What is the primary goal of FCT?
What is the function of behavior if a child hits to avoid a task?
Saying “I need a break” or using a break card
What is an example of a replacement behavior for escape-motivated aggression?
Least-to-most prompting, most-to-least prompting, or time delay
What are names for methods of fading prompts in FCT?
Using a break card or saying “I need help” or “I need a break.”
What could you teach them to do instead when a client runs out of the room to escape tasks?
FCT can involve gestures, sign language, picture exchange, or devices
What FCT focuses for verbal communication?
Access to tangibles
What is the likely function of their behavior when a child screams when they want a toy?
It must be as easy or easier than the problem behavior and meet the same function.
What should you consider when teaching a replacement behavior?
Teaching the skill across different settings, people, or materials
What does "generalization" mean in FCT?
Block the hitting, prompt the communication, and reinforce the appropriate request
What should you do? when during FCT, a child hits while learning to request a toy?
Identifying the function of the problem behavior
What is the first step in starting FCT?
It helps match the appropriate replacement communication to the function
How does identifying the function of behavior help in FCT?
To strengthen the new skill and reduce problem behavior
Why is it important to reinforce replacement behaviors immediately?
Caregivers and other individuals in the child’s life should reinforce the skills too.
Who besides therapists should reinforce functional communication skills?
Generalization of the skill to the school setting
What’s missing when a client has learned to use a communication device at home but not at school
Differential reinforcement
What type of reinforcement is used in FCT?
Functional Behavior Assessment [FBA]
Which assessment is often used to determine the function of behavior in ABA?
Using communication devices like AAC or apps for requesting
How can technology assist in teaching replacement behaviors?
Gradually reinforcing closer approximations to the desired communication behavior.
What is the role of shaping in FCT?
Implement a schedule or limit for breaks, and teach tolerance for delayed reinforcement.
What’s your next step when you’ve taught a client to request breaks, but they now overuse the break card?