The taxonomic resource for bacteria
Bergey’s Manual of Systematic Bacteriology
What category of shapes do the following belong to?vibrios, spirilla, or spirochetes
The phase in which bacteria must adapt to a medium
What is the Lag phase
The destruction or removal of all microorganisms, including bacteria and their endospores, viruses, fungi, and prions.
What is sterilization
Degree of pathogenicity
The development of living organisms from nonliving matter
What is Abiogenesis
Staphylococcus bacteria are seen in what type of arrangement?
What are grapelike clusters
Living cells are also known as what?
What are viable cells
This procedure involves spreading the sample on the surface of a solid medium or introducing the sample into a flask or tube
What is Inoculation
This is a type of of agar in which the blood cells have been lysed by heating the cells to 56° C, is used to grow fastidious respiratory bacteria.
What is Chocolate agar
this term is given by Van Leeuwenhoek for microscopic organisms; "small animals"
What are Animalcules
The division of two daughter cells
Organisms that grow only in the presence of oxygen and therefore they obtain their energy through aerobic respiration.
What are Obligate aerobes
State the 5 I's in Microbiology
What is Inoculation, Incubation, Isolation, Inspection, Identification
Gram positive bacteria stain what colour?
The classification, nomenclature, and identification of living organisms
What is Taxonomy
These microorganisms can obtain carbon from atmospheric carbon dioxide
What are autotrophs
What is bacterial replication also known as?
What is Binary fission
The incubator temperature in the laboratory is generally between what?
What is 20° C and 40° C.
What is the differential stain most commonly used in Microbiology?
What is gram stain
This individual is considered to be the father of microscopy and is believed to be the first to observe live bacteria and protozoans.
Who is Antony van Leeuwenhoek
These bacteria are cold loving and can grow at 0° C or lower, with an optimal growth around 15° C.
What are pyschrophiles or cryophiles
Bacteria that are found in the intestinal tract of humans and animals
What is Enteric bacteria
This type of media contains complex organic substances such as blood, serum, hemoglobin, or growth factors for the growth needs of specific species.
What is enriched media
Substance that is found in cell's walls that aids in protecting the cell.
What is peptidoglycan