These students cannot join GRADUATION committee
What is... Non-Graduating Revelle Students?
The attendance policy and person who approves absence request
What is... 2 excused absences & 1 unexcused absence to the discretion of the VPA?
Advisor that helps & approves events
What is... Wesley (the coordinator of student activities)?
Primary RCC funds come from
What is... Revelle Student fees (bonus 10 points, how much are student fees)?
The three primary flyer makers.
What is...Revelle Creative, Vickie (the VPE), and yourself?
Committee(s) the President of RCC Chairs
What is... Executive and Rules Committee?
Things that do NOT go in your report
What is... Anything that is not relevant to your position?
Most voting members event requirement
What is... 1 event per quarter?
Line item
What is... a sum of money to be set aside for a given purpose that may not be used for any other purpose?
Permitted Posting Location (2 examples)
What is... elevator shafts in blake, bulletin boards in blake, walls of commuter lounge, lounge under windows, wall next to poster room, walls adjacent to keeling elevators, concrete walls in fleet courtyard, concrete wall east of south tower of keeling apartments?
Three Ex-Offcios and Org Descriptions
What is...
SIP Ex-Officio: Revelle Programing Board
RA Ex-Officio: resident assistant
J-Board Ex-Officio: serves to uphold the University of California's Policies, Revelle Policies, and RCC grievances ?
Non-Members can vote in
What is... committees & straw polls?
The four main steps to put on a program
What is...Brainstorming, Planning, Advertising, and Executing?
General Unallocated
What is... the rest of our funding that does not fall under line items?
VPE duties
What is... promote overall involvement of revelle student body, aid council members in publicizing events, running RCC social media accounts, and chair of engagement committee?
These members must be on RULES committee
Vice President Finance AND Vice President Internal?
RCC's Goal 2024-2025
What is... Ensure a fully present and united council where both voting and non-voting members can share perspectives and contribute to budget approvals, resolutions, and discussions?
A program (is)
What is... any event that encourages students or an audience to participate in achieving a common goal/learning outcome/purpose?
Mandated Reserves
What is... $20,000 only be used for Revelle College emergencies?
Topher and Rafa created a wonderful flyer. They send it in the discord #flyer channel including the graphic and date to post the flyer 48 hours before the event. They are missing
What is... the CAPTION?
Responsibilities of UCAB representative
What is...
- Represents the interests of Revelle to the UCAB, the board on all University Center workings and resources.
- Responsible for attending the UCAB meetings and representing the interests of Revelle.
- Report back with any relevant information from said meetings.
- Non-Voting Member?
Isaac decides to make a motion to approve a budget, Ichiro decides to object. The next steps are
What is... President asks Isaac to speak on their motion. President asks Ichiro to speak on their objection. RCC goes into discussion (members extend their hand to be added to "Speaker's List). Once there are no more speakers on the list, RCC goes into a vote on if we should speak on the motion?
Ideal Planning Timeline
What is... at least 5 weeks ahead of event date or 8 weeks for large scale events?
Topher and Rafa have been working hard on a budget, they're up to date with their post-event forms, they filled out the allocation sheet to the best of their OWN knowledge, and now they've emailed it to VPF Maddie. Maddie sends it back and says they're missing an integral part of the allocation sheet. What did Topher and Rafa overlook when working on the budget and allocation sheet together?
What is... Topher did not meet with Wesley to get an advisor approval of the budget?
Kylie Hickey and Kyli Joe create a wonderful event that gets passed by council. Their event is in a week so they ask Vickie to create a flyer for them. Vickie rejects them! Oh no! Her reasoning is:
What is... you must submit the request 2-3 weeks before you need it, if you want it to be made by Vickie?