Who disobeyed God and Committed the first sin
Adam and Eve
What are the Three Sacraments of Initiation?
Baptism, Eucharist, Confirmation
Why do we go to mass?
To Adore and Glorify God
What day of the week did Jesus Celebrate the Last Supper?
Holy Thursday
What color vestments does the priest wear during Advent and Lent?
Who was the Virgin Marys Spouse?
Saint Joseph
What are the 2 Sacraments of Service
Matrimony and Holy Orders
The Eucharist
How many days did God take to Create the earth and all thing in it , including man?
6 days and the 7th day God Rested
What Color vestments does the priest wear during Ordinary time?
Who appeared to Mary and told her she would be Jesus mother?
The Angel Gabriel
What are the 2 Sacraments of Healing
Reconciliation and Anointing of the Sick
What Prayer do we pray at Mass when we Stand up and hold hands
What day of the week did Jesus die on the cross for our sins
Good Friday
What Color vestment does the priest wear during Christmas and Easter Seasons?
White and Gold
Who were the Virgin Marys Parents?
Saint Anne & Saint Joachim
What Sacrament does the priest give to a very sick person?
Anointing of the Sick
The Old Testment and The New Testment
Jesus rose from the dead on the third day, what name do we call this feast day?
Easter Sunday
What Color vestments does th priest wear on Good Friday?
Who are the Three Divine Persons in One God
Which Sacrament Removes Original Sin
What part of the Mass does the Priest Together with God and the Holy Spirit Converts the Bread and the Wine to become the Body and Blood of Jesus Christ?
At the Consecration
What year are we in, This Liturgical year?
What color vestments does the priest wear on Pentecost Sunday