How many warnings equal a negative(FOR NON HONORS)
What is 3
How many continents
What is 7
Lucifer's last name
What is Morningstar
Michael Myers
What is Halloween
Seconds in an hour
What is 3600
The Judge
Number of oceans
What is 5
Lucifer's psychotherapist
Who is Dr. Linda Martin
Umbrella Corporation
What is Resident Evil
Number of eyes on spider
What is 8
Max visitors per youth
What is 2
What is Alaska
Lucifer's mom took over this body on earth
Who is Charlotte Richards
What is IT
Largest mammal
What is blue whale
Brandon has how many cats
What is 0
Cleveland is this direction for Mansfield
What is North
Chloe and Dan's daughter
Who is Beatrice "Trixie" Espinoza
Sakura Haruno
What is Naruto
Most common eye color
What is brown
Nick's eye color
Number of counties in Ohio
What is 88
How many seasons are there
What is 6
Katniss Everdeen
What is Hunger Games
An adult has this many teeth
What is 32