Theoretical Concepts
Empirical Support
Therapist Responsiveness
Fun Facts

The ability to show oneself as fully as possible in relationships

What is authenticity?


Academic literature in the field of psychology emerged during this decade that became foundational for the development of RCT.

What is the 1970's?


This counselor educator created a systematic review of available empirical literature on RCT in 2016.

Who is A. Stephen Lenz?


RCT therapists try to create this relationship dynamic within their sessions.

What is a growth-fostering relationship?


This will be the location of Brittany's wedding.

What is Wake Forest University? (also accepted: where is Winston-Salem, NC)


When a person is hurt, humiliated, or violated in early relationships, the yearning for connection actually increases. Yet, they also learn that vulnerability is not safe.

What is the central relational paradox?


This book was one of the first texts in the field of psychology to criticize the usefulness of models of the "separate self."

What is Toward a New Psychology of Women by Jean Baker Miller?


The majority of studies in the assigned review of literature for empirical support were ________ designs.

What are correlational designs?


This is more important than certainty, being "right," or maintaining our own self-image as empathetic counselors (hint: this is always the most important thing in RCT).

What is the well-being of the therapeutic relationship and the client?


The name of Phyllis's daughter

Who is Zoe?


Inner constructs and expectations we create out of our experiences in relationships.

What are relational images?


This component of RCT led many in the field of counseling and psychotherapy to label the theory as "dangerous."

What is the therapists' role? / What is therapist responsiveness?


These are the two databases used in the review of academic literature.

What are PsychInfo and Academic OneFile?


This concept challenges the usual sense of courage as an internal trait. Instead, RCT therapists take an active role in sessions and en-courage clients.

What is relational courage?


Dr. Wachter Morris woke up early on her vacation in DC to visit this specific attraction.

What is the Washington Monument?


The core process that allows for growth in relationships.

What is mutual empathy?


These facts about the original writers limited RCT's initial cross-cultural applicability.

All three original writers were White, middle-class, and highly educated.


Any of these three descriptions meet this criteria:

(a) application of RCT concepts for understanding client experience

(b) supported studies related to relational constructs

(c) outcome research that evaluated the effectiveness of RCT-based counseling interventions

What did Lenz (2016) consider "relevant empirical content"?


RCT suggests that therapist "neutrality" limits the capacity for this new dynamic to occur.

What are corrective emotional experiences?


Jaimie and Kervins will be presenting on this topic at NCCA's conference in February.

What is broaching between counselors?


These are the five things that characterize growth-fostering relationships.

What are zest, clarity, sense of worth, productivity, and an increased desire for more connection?


These were three psychologists who critiqued the ways that traditional psychodynamic theories misrepresented women's experience.

Who are Irene Stiver, Judith Jordan, and Janet Surrey?


These conceptual dimensions of RCT have been a useful schema to view relationships. 

What are relational authenticity, perceived mutuality, relational connection/disconnection, and relational empowerment?


In this way, the personal is political, the political is personal, and the rewriting of a psychological paradigm becomes an act of social justice.

What is therapist attendance to power and privilege in instances of disconnection?


Caroline says this to Lindsey when she feels like the relationship dynamic is becoming unfairly balanced (hint: this is a recent development that stems from a time when Lindsey did not deliver on a promise).

What is "You owe me a milkshake!"?
