This is a person that had a huge impact on Pastor Billy's life and happens to be one of his family members.
Who is Grandma Winnie
How many people did Jesus feed using only five loaves of bread and two fish?
Who sings the song Under Pressure?
When is summer camp 2025?
What food was tossed in a game that ended up NOT being a good idea?
Raw Chicken
Jesus walked on this in order to catch up with his disciples.
Why was Billy scared to come home and face the pressure from his family in week 1 of this series?
Because he had just gotten pulled over and got a ticket.
Where is summer camp at this year?
East Texas Baptist University
This leader once spent a summer in the Netherlands, and still doesn't speak Dutch.
Sterling Balzer
Last year at camp, Danny gave us an acronym to help us grow our relationship with Jesus. The acronym was R.A.P.
What does RAP stand for?
What animal did Jesus multiply when he first met Peter?
What was the topic of religious pressure Danny faced at his previous church?
Dress Code
A camp dance that Sterling perfected.
The boodle dance.
Where did George and Beatriz live before moving to Texas?
What store did Billy buy a sweatshirt from when he was trying to "fit in" with the cool kids?
Where in the Bible did Jesus turn water into wine? (Need the specific passage)
John 2:1-11
What was the scripture that Danny used twice in this series that spoke about the approval of God and people?
Galatians 1:10
What is the theme of summer camp this year?
No Other Name
Billy had an addiction to this famous treat.
Mott's Fruit Snacks
How many miracles of Jesus are recorded in the bible?
What were the four areas of pressure talked about in our Under Pressure series?
Family, Friends, Social Media, and Religion
Name the two food options (other than the cafeteria) that can be found at camp.
Chick Fil A and Starbucks
This leader, if given the opportunity, would eat Boom Chicka Pop for every meal for the rest of their life (with a Dr. Pepper)
Robin Cossaboom