RD 4 Requirements
Connecting P4 Topics
Gilbert's Concepts
Gilbert's Main Examples
There were 5 steps outlined after the prompt, what were they?
1. Proposal 2. Annotated Bibliography 3. RD4 4. P4 5. Final Portfolio
If my super-replicator is religion, which Gilbert concept could I use to connect to (be willing to explain a little)?
1. happiness 2. identity 3. surrogate/simulator 4. social change 5. decision-making
The most basic definition of a super-replicator is... and give me a pg. # of where you can cite that def. from (so 2 part answer)
A gene/belief that becomes more powerful the more it is passed on/believed in. Found on pg.213 or pg.181
1. What is the song that Gilbert starts his chapter with? 2. And why is it important?
1. Que Sera, Sera 2. Whatever will be, will be is not a good teaching model
When we watched the music clip from Tangled, what concept did we connect to and what was the reasoning?
Simulator, because all those criminals were simulating their fantasies
What three steps are still due, and when are they due?
1. RD 4 (this Thursday) 2. P4 (Nov. 29) 3. Final Portfolio (up until Dec.1)
I mentioned 5 super-replicators that were most popular in this class, give me at least 3 of them:
1)religion 2)gender roles/bias 3)sports 4)technology 5)celebrities/fashion
What is the difference between simulator and surrogate? Give me an example of each...
Simulator: imagines and projects/simulates without experience Surrogate: uses experiences of others 1st Lion King example: Timon and Pumba (surrogates) and Simba (simulator)
Going to a college football game is fun when in the moment, but afterwards which concept brings that level of happiness down? (Give me a pg# as well)
1st shortcoming of imagination (pg. 187 or pg.219)
Of the following clips we watched (Wonder Woman, Dr. Strange, Lion King, Tangled, and If I Stay) which one represented the first shortcoming of imagination and why?
Dr. Strange (he couldn't imagine all the possibilities of his future)
What was the prompt sample thesis about, and what three Gilbert concepts did it include within its argument?
1. Batman & Robin villains 2. shortcomings of imagination, uniqueness, social norms
When we watched that DWTS clip last week, what was the possible super-replicator topic and what were some possible thesis elements?
1. Dancing 2. happiness, surrogate/simulator, identity
What is the 2nd shortcoming of imagination? Give an example...
2nd shortcoming: tendency to project the present onto the future Example: WWII was thought to be the war to end all wars
1.Who is the father of modern economics, according to Gilbert? 2. Where can he be found within our chapter? 3. What super-replicator are this person's quotes connected to and how so (4th part of the question)?
1. Adam Smith 2. pg.183 or pg.215 3. Money
No one can imagine every feature and consequence of a future event: which shortcoming of imagination does this relate most closely to?
1st shortcoming: tendency for imagination to fill in and leave out without telling us means that we can't calculate all possible scenarios
Below is your P4 prompt, what is the key word I was emphasizing for everyone to concentrate their super-replicators around: Gilbert defines super-replicators as genes or beliefs that are given to transmission regardless of their usefulness. Meaning that the more people believe in something, the more powerful it becomes (be it good or bad). Write a paper in which you extend Gilbert’s argument through your own example of a super-replicator that persists in society, analyzing the reasons for its continued success while connecting to Gilbert’s concepts.
Success, what makes your super-replicator successful.
Give me a possible thesis argument to shape around the super-replicator of politics...
The belief in politics spreads like wildfire because it plays into the shortcomings of imagination, creates an encompassing identity, and sells the idea of happiness along the lines of government peace.
Which shortcoming comes closest to the idea that there is light at the end of the tunnel, if you actually get through it...
3rd shortcoming: failure to recognize that things will look different once they happen
What were the three experiments Gilbert included, and what concept connected with each experiment? *Double points if you can explain who the simulators/surrogates were...
1. After winning ice cream (1st shortcoming) 2. After eating potato chips (2nd shortcoming) 3. After losing pizza (3rd shortcoming)
Name all the characters in the A-Team of Guardians of the Galaxy, and tell me which of them represents Klosterman's transformation from villain to hero the most?
1. Peter Quill 2. Gamora 3. Drax the Destroyer 4. Rocket the Raccoon 5. Groot
What were the 4 questions to help focus your argument?
1. How do we communicate these specific ideas to others? 2. What are the super-replicators we are passing along to those we come in contact with? 3.Does the validity of a belief correlate to its speed of transmission? 4.What is the role of super-replicators in communicating cultural ideas?
1. Of the following super-replicators, which one did Gilbert not mention in his chapter? 2. And would that one still be a possible super-replicator (and why, if so)?
1. Joy of parenthood/children 2. Joy of wealth/ making money 3. Joy of being unique 4. Joy of higher education
Give me 3 concepts from Gilbert that were found in our previous authors...
1. research 2. social change (social norms/social order) 3. identity
Which of Gilbert's statements could you identity to be his potential thesis argument? (Remember to give a pg. #)
The irony, of course is that surrogation is a cheap and effective way to predict one's future emotions, but because we don't realize just how similar we are, we reject this reliable method and rely instead on our imaginations, as flawed and fallible as they may be. (pg.192 or pg.224).
Give me at least 3 super-replicators represented in GOTG, and be willing to explain how so...
1. future fashion 2. futuristic technology 3. fascism/terrorism 4. importance of childhood 5. politics (with Zandar) 6. Belief in bandits/outlaws and so many more...