Fact and Opinion
Main Idea
Look at the comic provided by your instructor. Which two of the following inferences are supported. A. The man is being interviewed for a job. B. The woman will probably hire the man. C. The woman asked the man a foolish question. D. The man probably does not have good people skills.
What are A. The man is being interviewed for a job. and D. The man probably does not have good people skills.
The word that fits best in the following sentence. "Keri is a very _______ student. She reads every assignment at least twice and proofreads her papers at least three times." A) reflect B) diligent C) collaborative
What is B) diligent
The time and place of a story.
What is "setting"?
A fact can always be ______.
What is "proven"?
Find the main idea sentence. "My desk is well organized. On the left side I keep all my writing supplies- pens, pencils, and markers. On the left side I keep my stapler and paperclips. Finally in the top drawer, you will find M&Ms and pretzels because I get hungry when working."
What is "My desk is well organized."
What inference can you make about the likelihood of this applicant getting the job? He arrived 15 minutes late for his interview, with no explanation. He looked rumpled and sleepy, as if he had just gotten out of bed. He answered the interviewer's questions with "yeah" or "no". When the interviewer asked if he had any questions, he said, "Not really."
What is "He will not get the job'?
The word that best fits into the following sentence. "Our teacher gave us a ______ amount of time to complete the quiz. It was 10 questions, and we had two hours." A) allot B) reluctant C) liberal
What is C) liberal?
The verb in the following sentence. She quickly ran to the store.
What is "ran"?
Fact or Opinion "Everyone should watch a sunset at least once a month to remind them of the beauty of the world."
What is an opinion?
Main idea statement: "Many people say they have a problem sleeping. But in many cases, sleep problems can be avoided by following a few simple guidelines. First, don't drink alcoholic beverages or drinks with caffeine close to bedtime. Next, do not exercise within three hours of bedtime. Finally, plan a sleep routine. Go to bed about the same time every day."
What is "But in many cases, sleep problems can be avoided by following a few simple guidelines."
The meaning of the idiom "Once in a Blue Moon". She runs late all the time, and not just a couple minutes here or there. She is usually at least 20 minutes late. Once in a blue moon she will show up only five minutes late, and everyone acts like she is early.
What is "something happens rarely, or not very often"?
The meaning of the word part "fac"
What is to make or do?
Theirs was a true love, thought Tony, one to stand the test of time. Eva, his soul-mate, was somehow even more beautiful than the day they first met, he realized. And even though she always seemed to say something interesting, it ultimately didn't matter, as he was happy just to hear her soft, melodic voice. Someday soon, he imagined, they would have children together, and their love would blossom as a family. These wonderful thoughts made him feel warm and tingly inside. Suddenly, without warning, Tony was yanked from his daydream by the doorbell. He let out a long sigh, realizing that that would be the courier with the divorce papers. Who are the main characters of this story?
Who are Tony and Eva?
Fact or Opinion "Sally said it was the worst class she ever attended."
What is a fact?
Find the main idea: "As people get older, their physical and mental capabilities decline. Yet research has shown that as people age, they are likely to feel happier. One poll found that two-thirds of people over 65 were happy with their lives. In contrast, only about half of the people between the ages of 18-49 said that they were pleased with their lives."
What is "Yet research has shown that as people age, they are likely to feel happier."
The meaning of "she is sitting on the fence." She is sitting on the fence about who to go to the dance with on Friday. Both John and Jake are waiting for an answer.
What is "she won't make a decision"?
Innovative : Original :: Aptitude : _________ A) Declare B) Faculty C) Orientation
What is B) Faculty?
The part of speech for the word "softly". She softly asked if she could have more.
What is an adverb?
Fact or Opinion "In point of fact, no one is ever happy when going to the dentist."
What is an opinion?
Find the main idea: "The first frost in Montana occurs around September 15. Colorado get its first frost about October 1. Oklahoma's first frost is near the end of October. Louisiana can expect a frost about the middle of November, and Florida's doesn't come until December. Clearly, the farther south you go, the later the first frost date is likely to occur."
What is "Clearly, the farther south you go, the later the first frost date is likely to occur."
Which one of the following inferences is supported by the quote. "An army of sheep led by a lion would defeat an army of lions led by a sheep." A. Strong leadership is not all that important. B. People who are courageous can inspire even those who are fearful. C. Contrary to popular belief, sheep are braver than lions.
What is B. People who are courageous can inspire even those who are fearful.
The meaning of the word "defob" in the following sentence. "No pain, no gain" is bad advice when it comes to sports injuries. You can easily aggravate an injury by playing defob the pain has stopped."
What is "before"?
The two types of figurative language used in this sentence: "He ran as fast as a cheetah because if he missed his flight, it would cost him an arm and a leg to reschedule."
What is the simile "as fast as a cheetah" and the idiom "cost an arm and a leg"?
Give an example of one fact and one opinion.
Answers will vary.
The implied main idea of this paragraph. To become president of the United States, a person must be at least 35 years of age. He or she must have lived in the United States for the last 14 years. In addition, he or she must be a natural-born citizen of the country. A convicted felon cannot be president of the United States.
What is "There are certain requirements for becoming president of the United States."