Main Idea
The meaning of the word magnitude.
What is great size or importance?
The main idea statement for this paragraph. In education, as in other fields, new technologies tend to go through three stages of application. In the first stage, the technology is applied to things we already do. For instance, when microcomputer programs were first introduced into education, computer programs were created to simulate flashcards for math drills. As a technology moves into the second stage, it is used to improve on the tasks we do. As an example, a more sophisticated math software application can provide remedial instruction when a student makes the same mistakes more than once. In the final stage of maturity, the technology is used to do things that were not possible before. An example of technology in this stage would be a geographic information system (GIS) which can translate data to a digital map. The power of a GIS comes from its ability to display several layers of maps on a screen at one time. This kind of application enables students to pull together knowledge and skills from disciplines in a collaborative manner to solve a problem in their local communities.
What is the first sentence?
The two things you combine to make an accurate inference.
What is your own background information and the clues from the text?
The pattern signaled by these words/phrases. including, specifically, for instance, such as
What is example?
Fact or Opinion "Sue said it was the worst movie every made."
What is Fact?
The meaning of the word centenarian.
What is a person who is 100 years or older?
A main idea statement always includes these two things.
What is a topic and a controlling idea?
The two inferences best supported by the quote. "I am not afraid of storms, for I am learning how to sail my ship." - Louisa May Alcott A. With education, a person can overcome obstacles. B. The speaker is an experienced sailor. C. The speaker is overconfident. D. Education can increase a person's self-confidence.
What are A. and D.?
The pattern that these words/phrases signal. like, similarly, in the same way, common
What is comparison?
Which tone best matches. "Eating is just another chore. There should be a protein pill we could simply swallow every day and be done with it." A. impassioned B. detached C. optimistic
What is B. detached?
One example of a perennial concern of a student is _____.
What is time management, tests and big assignments, etc?
Sentence five is a main idea, major detail, or minor detail. 1. In education, as in other fields, new technologies tend to go through three stages of application. 2. In the first stage, the technology is applied to things we already do. 3. For instance, when microcomputer programs were first introduced into education, computer programs were created to simulate flashcards for math drills. 4. As a technology moves into the second stage, it is used to improve on the tasks we do. 5. As an example, a more sophisticated math software application can provide remedial instruction when a student makes the same mistakes more than once. 6. In the final stage of maturity, the technology is used to do things that were not possible before. 7. An example of technology in this stage would be a geographic information system (GIS) which can translate data to a digital map. 8. The power of a GIS comes from its ability to display several layers of maps on a screen at one time. 9. This kind of application enables students to pull together knowledge and skills from disciplines in a collaborative manner to solve a problem in their local communities.
What is a minor detail?
The two inferences best supported by the quote. "Happy are those who dream dreams and are ready to pay the price to make them come true." A. Some dreams are not worth the price required to make them come true. B. People are happiest when they're working toward a goal. C. It's not enough to dream... one must take action to achieve what one wishes. D. If we wish hard enough, our dreams will come true.
What B. and C.?
Name at least three signal words for process/time order not including "first, second, third..."
What are meanwhile, next, finally, at the same time, then...
The purpose. "Chimpanzees, gorillas, and elephants are among the few animals who can recognize themselves in mirrors."
What is to inform?
There was a ___________ between the boss' stern, arrogant personality at work and his gentleness with his children at home. A. bipartisanship B. dichotomy C. magnate
What is B. dichotomy?
Main idea statement 1. Humans breathe automatically every few seconds. 2. Dolphins breathe only voluntarily and can hold their breath for longer than 30 minutes. 3. So how do they go to sleep without risking oversleeping and drowning? 4. To maintain control of their breathing during sleep, dolphins sleep with only half of their brain at a time. 5. Electroencephalograms, measuring the electric levels in dolphins' brains, show that the left side of a dolphin's mind shuts down while the right side powers its basic life functions. 6. Later, the right side sleeps while the left side takes over. 7. In this way, the dolphin achieves a full eight hours of sleep while still maintaining the ability to swim to the surface and take a breath of air. 8. The strange sleep habits of dolphins might explain a behavior known as "logging" that sailors commonly observe, in which dolphins swim very slowly near the surface of the ocean.
What is sentence 4?
The two best supported inferences. "An army of sheep led by a lion would defeat an army of lions led by a sheep." A. Weak leaders discourage even brave followers. B. A strong and determined person can inspire even the fearful. C. Contrary to popular belief, sheep are as brave as lions. D. Strong leadership is not all that important.
What are A. and B.?
Name a signal word/phrase that would work well in this blank. "Lighting levels add meaning to communication messages. In lecture halls and reading rooms, bright light is expected- it encourages good listening and comfortable reading. ______________, in a chic restaurant, a music listening room, or a television lounge, you expect the lighting to be soft and rather dim, which makes for a cozy atmosphere that invites intimate conversation."
What is "on the other hand"?
Purpose and Tone "Because of the brilliant direction, great acting, and powerful insights into the nature of American life, the Godfather I and II movies should be considered among the best American movies of the past 50 years."
What is persuade and awed?
Paraphrase this statement: I face the perennial dilemma when purchasing furniture from Ikea that the ambiguous directions induce the construction to monopolize my entire day.
Answers will vary.
An implied main idea for this paragraph. The family introduces children to the physical world through the opportunities it provides for play and exploration of objects. It also creates bonds between people that are unique. The attachments children form with parents and siblings usually last a lifetime, and they serve as models for relationships in the wider world of neighborhood and school. Within the family, children also experience their first social conflicts. Discipline by parents and arguments with siblings provide children with important lessons in compliance and cooperation as well as opportunities to learn how to influence the behavior of others. Finally, within the family, children learn the language, skills, and social and moral values of their culture.
What is "The family has a profound effect on child development."
The two best supported inferences. "To carry a grudge is like being stung to death by one bee." - William H. Walton A. People who carry grudges attach too much importance to something trivial. B. People are better off forgiving whoever causes them harm. C. It's less painful to carry a grudge than to be stung by a bee. D. People who carry grudges are often attacked for their beliefs.
What are A. and B.?
The pattern used in this paragraph. Often governmental efforts to manipulate public opinion backfire when the public is made aware of the government's tactics. Thus, in 1971, the United States government's attempts to build popular support for the Vietnam War were hurt when CBS News aired its documentary "The Selling of the Pentagon", which revealed the extent and character of government efforts to sway popular sentiment. In this documentary, CBS demonstrated the techniques, including planted news stories and faked film footage, that the government had used to misrepresent its activities in Vietnam. These revelations, of course, had the effect of undermining public trust in all government claims.
What is cause and effect?
Paraphrase the following sentence. "When an author decides not to directly state the main idea, the active reader must figure out what the implied main idea is by deciding upon the point all the details support."
What is "Finding what all the sentences work to support, allows a reader to come up with a main idea if the author does not come right out and say it."