Unit 1
Unit 2
Unit 3
General Knowledge

__________ was the previous water treatment APM before Vanessa Csolle

Who is Devin Pearen? 


Wood Chips are cooked in this continuous pulp producing vessel.

What is a Digester? 


A ________ is a bundle of fibers that form due to the physical enlargement and attractive forces between fibers. 

What is a floc? 


In the event of an emergency situation, one must dial _________ or ________ depending on whether you're using a personal cell or work phone. 

What is 911 and 9911? 


__________ is the APM of the wood yard

Who is Aubrey Fawcett? 


There are two main purposes for the recovery boiler namely _____________ and _______________. 

What is chemical recovery and steam production for the 1500# turbine?


These are three zones within the digester. Name them.

What is the impregnation zone, the cooking zone and the wash zone?


_______ pulp is manufactured and used for purposes including medical grades teabags, and flushable wipes 

What is Low Talc?


Hot work permits are filled out by __________.

Who is the person doing the hot work? 



This symbol is often used to label _____________. The risks of coming into contact with such a substance include burns, fires and explosions

What is an oxidizing agent? 


The removal of cations and anions in boiler feed water is called ____________ where ____________ are exchanged for H+ and _____________ are exchanged for OH- though ion exchange. 

What is Deionization, cations and anions? 


In the bleach plant washers a _____ is a vessel in which a rotating drum is partially submerged. The level in this vessel is maintained such that 40-50% of the rotating drum is submerged. 

What is a Vat? 


The ________ distributes pulp evenly across the wire mesh of the fourdrinier table 

What is a HEADBOX? 


This chemical is used in the event of chemical contact with skin or eyes. 

What is Diphoterine? 


Structures have different __________s which is an area where all the weight is concentrated and determines how the structre will fall.

What are center of masses? 


____________ and ___________ are compounds used in conjunction in the clarifier. One of these compounds is used for charge neutralization and the other is an anionic polymer which aids in combining solid particles so they can settle to the bottem of the clarifier where they can be removed. 

What is coagulants and flocculants? 


______________ is added to the #1 Reactor at 2.0 lbs/tonne to protect pulp viscosity (reduces cellulose degradation). This compound is also precipitated as a hydroxide which can absorb transition metal ions or form complexes which inhibits peroxide decomposition.

What is Magnesium Sulphate (MgSO4) 


Heavy dirt and contamination is removed through a series of 6 stages of ___________

What is Centrifugal Cleaners? 


This model is often utilized to showcase and highlight the importance of implementing layers of protection in the workplace in order to prevent an incident. 

What is the Swiss Cheese Model? 


A ___________  is a system that is used to safely isolate equipment within a fluid system. It is often used in line breaks. 

What is a double block and bleed? (Bonus 200 points for the team that can draw it). 


The _________  are a shell and tube heat exchanger that contain large falling film tubes which are designed to increase the area of heat exchange. A distribution plate is placed above these exchangers to prevent tube flooding. 

What are evaporators? 


Kristie Caldwell recently purchased a white ____________ 

What is a Tesla? 


The ___________ and ___________ are the names of the two control rooms in Unit 3 

What is Wet end and Dry end? 


Line Breaking is an activity in which normally closed systems containing hazardous substances, temperature extremes of >_______°F or <_______°F, and high pressures (>6.89 bar) are opened to the atmospheric pressure. 

What is >120°F or < 27°F ?


_________ is the maximum rating for a fall protection safety harness used on site 

What is 5000lbs? 
