Buzz Aldrin's life
The Apollo 11 Mission
The Moon
Astronaut Training

Where was Buzz Aldrin born? 

A. New York City
B. Montclair, New Jersey
C. Houston, Texas
D. Los Angeles, California

Answer: B. Montclair, New Jersey


What year did Apollo 11 land on the Moon?
A. 1965
B. 1967
C. 1969
D. 1971

Answer: C. 1969


What color is the Moon’s surface?
A. Blue
B. Red
C. Gray
D. White

Answer: C. Gray


How do astronauts prepare for weightlessness?
A. Underwater training
B. Jumping on a trampoline
C. Flying in jets
D. Spin in chairs

Answer: A. Underwater training


In the word "running," what function does the suffix “-ing” serve?
A. It forms a noun indicating the result of an action
B. It turns a noun into an adjective
C. It indicates an action happening in the present
D. It forms a past-tense verb

Answer: C. It indicates an action happening in the present


What is Buzz Aldrin’s real first name? 

A. Edwin
B. Buzz
C. Edward
D. Allen

Answer: A. Edwin


Who was the commander of Apollo 11?

A. Buzz Aldrin
B. Neil Armstrong
C. Michael Collins
D. John Glenn

Answer: B. Neil Armstrong


What does the surface of the Moon feel like underfoot?
A. Soft and sandy
B. Hard and rocky
C. Smooth like glass
D. Wet and slippery

Answer: A. Soft and sandy


What kind of school did Buzz Aldrin attend to become an astronaut?
A. Rocket School
B. Space School
C. Fighter Pilot School
D. Test Pilot School

Answer: D. Test Pilot School


In the word "teacher," what does the suffix “-er” signify?
A. A tool for teaching
B. A person who does an action
C. An action being performed
D. The process of learning

Answer: B. A person who does an action


What was Buzz Aldrin’s father’s profession?

A. Doctor
B. Pilot
C. Engineer
D. Teacher

Answer: B. Pilot


What was the name of the lunar module that landed on the Moon?

A. Eagle
B. Falcon
C. Gemini
D. Orion

Answer: A. Eagle


What did Buzz Aldrin do on the Moon after walking around?
A. Had a snack
B. Took photos
C. Played golf
D. Conducted communion

Answer: D. Conducted communion


How do astronauts train to deal with emergencies in space?
A. Learn how to repair spacecraft
B. Learn how to call for help
C. Learn how to panic
D. Learn how to turn off alarms  

Answer: A. Learn how to repair spacecraft


In the word "completed," what does the suffix “-ed” signify?
A. The future tense of a verb
B. The present continuous tense
C. The past tense or a completed action
D. A form of possession

Answer: C. The past tense or a completed action


Which branch of the military did Buzz Aldrin serve in?

A. Navy
B. Army
C. Air Force
D. Marines

Answer: C. Air Force


What did Buzz Aldrin say after landing on the Moon?

A. “The Eagle has landed.”
B. “We did it!”
C. “This is Houston, we are on the Moon.”
D. “Contact light.”

Answer: D. "Contact light."


How did Buzz Aldrin describe the experience of looking back at Earth from the Moon?
A. “Scary”
B. “Lonely”
C. “A beautiful view”
D. “Boring”

Answer: C. “A beautiful view”


What physical condition do astronauts have to be ready for after returning from space?
A. Weak muscles
B. Stronger bones
C. Feeling taller
D. More energy

Answer: A. Weak muscles


How does adding “-ing” to the word "run" (running) change the word?
A. Turns it into a noun
B. Changes it to an adjective
C. Changes it to the present participle
D. Changes it to the future tense

Answer: C. Changes it to the present participle


Buzz Aldrin went to college after high school. Which college did he attend?

A. Princeton University
B. Harvard University
C. MIT (Massachusetts Institute of Technology)
D. University of Texas

Answer: C. MIT


What did Buzz Aldrin leave on the Moon to honor fallen astronauts and cosmonauts?

A. A flag
B. A patch
C. A medal
D. A cross

Answer: C. A medal


What did the astronauts bring back from the Moon?
A. Moon rocks
B. Water
C. Aliens
D. Flowers

Answer: A. Moon rocks


What skill did Buzz Aldrin use to help NASA with spacewalks?
A. His experience as a pilot
B. His engineering knowledge
C. His ability to swim
D. His knowledge of scuba diving

Answer: B. His engineering knowledge


When you add the suffix “-al” to the noun "accident" (accidental), what does the word become?
A. A verb
B. A noun again
C. An adjective
D. An adverb

Answer: C. An adjective
