Combustion + bond enthalpy
Hess's Law
Redox Reactions

Enthalpy graph drawn by Mrs. Onushko. 


-Activation Energy

-Endo or Exothermic

-What is more stable: Reactants or Products

Grade as a class


Qx = m* cx * (delta)Tx

Fill in every x for finding the energy released by a potato chip

x can = chip or water

All X must be for water. 

You can't switch between different substances when doing q=mcAT

Name the products of a hydrocarbon (CxHyOz) complete combustion reaction.

Name the 2 types of products for incomplete combustion. WHEN does incomplete combustion happen (what situations).

Complete: CO2 and H2O

Incomplete: When limited Oavailable

CO + H2O

C + H2O


A reaction has a (Delta)H = -273

If you needed to flip that equation and multiply the coefficients by 3, what would the new (Delta)H =?

Flip means - goes to +

multiplying the equation by 3 means you need to multiply 273 by 3

(delta)H = +819


Na+ (aq) + e-  --> Na(s)

2Cl- (aq)--> Cl2 (g) + 2e-

What 1/2 reaction is oxidation? What 1/2 reaction is reduction?

Ox: Chlorine

Red: Sodium


Mrs. Onushko will draw an enthalpy graph with numbers. Calculate (delta)H for the reaction.

corrected in class


If water absorbed 350 kJ of heat, the potato chip that burned absorbed/released _ kJ of heat.

-/+ # kJ

released 350 kJ of heat.

-350 kJ from the chip


balance this combustion reaction

__ C3H8 + __O2 --> __CO2 + __ H2O

1 5 3 4


2N2  + 5 O2 → 2N2O5  ΔH = ?

H2 + ½O2 → H2O  ΔH = -285.8

N2O5 + H2O → 2HNO3  ΔH = -76.6

N2 + 3O2 + H2 → 2HNO3  ΔH = -348.2

Reaction 1: flip x2   +571.6

Reaction 2: flip, x2   +153.3

Reaction 3: x2      -696.4



What are the oxidation numbers of every atom?

Al(OH)3                       SbF61-

Al =  +3    O =   -2      H = +1

Sb = +5        F = -1


How many Calories is 84000 joules?

How many calories is 600 kilojoules?

20.1 J

143403 cal


Ethanol was burned. It started out as 10 g and ended at 7 g. There was 50 mL water in the calorimeter. The water started out at 20C and ended at 25C.

How much energy (J) did the water absorb?

1046 J


Define the term average bond enthalpy

Energy required to break 1 mole of a bond in a gaseous molecule averaged over similar values.


"Old" IB chem book - page 192, #4

describe what you would do to the equations

Reaction 1: Leave it

Reaction 2: flip

(don't erase your board, use for next question)


Write the 1/2 reactions:

SeO32- + I- --> I2 + Se

(no need to balance or do e-)

SeO3 --> Se

I- --> I2

Save for next question


Mrs. Onushko sets up an experiment in a plastic bag. When the reactants mix, she feels the bag. One observation recorded is that it feels cold. Is this mystery reaction endothermic or exothermic?

feels cold means the system (the reaction) is stealing my heat. It is gaining heat. the system is going through a endothermic reaction. 

The surroundings would be considered Mrs. Onushko


Ethanol was burned. It started out as 10 g and ended at 7 g. There was 50 mL water in the calorimeter. The water started out at 20C and ended at 25C.

How much energy per gram did the ethanol release? (J/g)

348.67 J/g


C2H2 + 2H2 --> C2H6

Using this and the given Lewis structures, use page 11 to calculate the enthalpy change using bond enthalpy data

-291 kJ


"Old" IB chem book - page 192, #4

What is the enthalpy, in kJ, of the reaction?

Reaction 1: Leave it     stays -144

Reaction 2: flip          +11 flipped to -11

-144 + -11 = -155


SeO32- + I- --> I2 + Se

Balance. Which 1/2 reaction is ox? Which 1/2 reaction is red?

Red: 4e- + 6 H+ + SeO32- --> Se + 3H2O

Ox: 2I- --> I2 + 2e-        (mult by 2)

Final: 4I- + 6 H+ + SeO32- --> Se + 3H2O + 2I2 


Mrs. Onushko burns ethanol C2H5OH in a watch glass. She puts a lid on over the burning watch glass to collect the products. 

1) What are the products?

2) Is this an open or a closed system?

CO2 and H2O

Closed System- No oxygen in/out, products cannot get in/out.


A piece of metal was in boiling water (100) and cooled to room temp (20C). If the metal was 60 g and it released 8760 J of energy in the process, what is the metal?



sugar (C6H12O6) combusts. Write a balanced combustion reaction. 

(complete combustion)

C6H12O6 + 6O2 --> 6CO6 + 6 H2O


2N2  + 5 O2 → 2N2O5  ΔH = ?

H2 + ½O2 → H2O  ΔH = -285.8

N2O5 + H2O → 2HNO3  ΔH = -76.6

N2 + 3O2 + H2 → 2HNO3  ΔH = -348.2

Reaction 1: flip x2   +571.6

Reaction 2: flip, x2   +153.3

Reaction 3: x2      -696.4



Balance this redox reaction

Cr2O72- + HNO2 --> Cr3+ + NO3-

6e + 14H+ + Cr2O72- --> 2Cr3+ + 7H2O

HNO2 + H2O --> 3H+ + NO3- + 2e-   (mulp by 3)

Final: 3HNO2 + 5H+ + Cr2O72- --> 3NO3- + 2Cr3+ + 4H2O
