Learning Styles
Context Clues/Supporting Details
Authors Tone/Purpose/
Topic/Main Idea
Thinking Strategies
The way you learn best
What is learning style
These explain and help you to better understand the main idea
What is supporting details
A logical conclusion based on your background knowledge and what you have read
What is an inference
This could be a word, phrase, name or idea?
What is a topic
Name the three types of connections?
Text to text Text to self Text to world
SQ3R stands for
Survey, Question, Read, Recite, Review
These help you to figure out the meaning of an unknown word in the text you are reading.
What is context clues
Name the four types of authors' purposes we talked about:
What is to inform, to instruct, to persuade and to entertain
Give two characteristics of a main idea statement
What is include the topic, a complete sentence, makes complete sense by itself
What is the purpose of thinking strategies?
What is to help you interact with the text which will help you to better understand it.
Complete the template for 2 column notes ______________1_____________ ___2_____ ________3_______
1= title 2 = unknown word, question, main idea 3 = definition, answer, supporting detail
The candidate had expected to win but instead she was trounced by her opponent, who won by a landslide. What does trounced mean?
What is beaten badly
The attitude the author has towards a topic which he or she expresses through word choice and details
What is tone
Are you confused by your holiday leftovers? Well, don't save any food that has been sitting around on your dining room table or counters for more than two hours after cooking. Do place the leftovers in the refrigerator while they are still warm. Don't waste those turkey scraps: add them to a salad or make a delicious soup. There are many strategies that you should use when dealing with holiday leftovers. You can even pool your leftovers with friends and neighbors by having an after-holiday potluck dinner. What is the topic?
What is holiday leftovers
Name three thinking strategies
What is connection, questioning, inferring, summarizing, predicting, comprehension monotoring, visualizing
Central point or main idea of your entire paper/presentation
What is thesis statement
The soldier was a memebr of an elite oup of special forces who had been highly trained just for such international emergencies. What does elite mean?
What is top or special
When an author tries to get you to think a certain way about a topic his/her purpose is?
What is to persuade
Many people claim that they do not have time to work exercise into their daily schedules. Exercise, however, can be easily worked into one's daily routine. For instance, one can do stretches while taking a shower. While standing in line at the grocery store, one can flex the abs or clench the rear. One can even do calf raises while talking on the phone. More ideas: try walking around the building during lunch breaks and always take the stairs. What is the stated main idea?
What is: Exercise can be easily worked into one's daily routine.
What is the ultimate goal of reading?
What is comprehension
The purpose of an outline is to....
help organize your paper and give your presentation/outline a direction
As a prelude to his speech, the scientist told a silly joke; as he had hoped, the comic introduction woarmed up the audience and make them more attentive. What does prelude mean?
What is introduction or opening
Tommy and John were hot and sweaty as they sat outside the principal’s office. Dirt smeared both of their faces, and they could hear their teacher’s voice as she gave Mr. Jones her account of what had happened. Tommy sneered at John, and John returned the angry glare. As Miss Brown left Mr. Jones’ office, the boys hung their heads so they wouldn’t have to look her in the eye. What can you infer?
What is the boys go into a fight.
Money often causes problems in a marriage, sometimes leading couples directly to divorce court. To control money problems in a marriage, set goals to clarify what you really want. Another technique is to find out where you are really spending your money. Add up those "little" expenses such as a morning cup of latte at $3.00 a cup or an apple-blueberry muffin for $1.00. At the end of the year, you've spent $1,460. In addition, set a "talk to me" limit, deciding which purchases require a household discussion. For example, many couples might decide that any purchase over $200 requires a joint discussion before purchase. What is the implied main idea?
What is there are several ways to manage marital money problems.
When is your final
What is Monday, December 12th at 9:00