Fact and Opinion
Patterns of Development
Main Idea
Catching Fire
A statement that can be proven true or false
What is a fact?
PICTURE Question After looking at the picture this is their most likely answer to the question asked in the comment.
What is "working at Disneyland"?
As a result, consequently, therefore, hence, and because are all signal words for this pattern.
What is Cause and Effect?
The two parts to every Main Idea Statement.
What are the topic and the controlling idea.
Katniss's two love interests.
Who are Gale and Peeta?
Couples should know each other for at least one year before getting married.
What is an opinion?
PICTURE Question The inferred answer to the question asked by the dog.
What is "the cow ate it"?
Identifying the pattern helps a reader also identify this.
What is the main idea?
Number of the main idea statement. 1) Scientists have learned that the way we view exercise strongly influences our performance. 2) Research on Russian weight lifters, for example, demonstrated that if they were told the weights were heavy, they perceived an exercise to be more difficult. 3) If they were told the weights were light, then they considered the exercise easier. 4) Another example is the weight lifter who kept failing to break a record. 5) He finally succeeded after his trainer told him the weights he was lifting were not as heavy as they in fact were.
What is Sentence 1?
The person who said, "The point is that two of us are coing home from the Capitol. One mentor and one victor."
Who is Peeta Mellark?
Tara said Catching Fire is the best book ever written.
What is a fact?
The implied meaning of the word "exacerbate" in the following sentence. "First-aid instructions usually advise again moving an accident victim, because movement can exacerbate an injury."
What is to make worse?
Five signal words/terms for the compare and contrast relationship.
What are on the other hand, unlike, similarly, in contrast, along the same line, etc?
Number of Main Idea Statement. 1) Plastic trash bags were once considered a major menace to the environment. 2) The makers of plastic trash bags responded to the environmental concerns and made several positive changes in their product. 3) First, they made use of a new additive- actually, potato peels- to make the bags biodegradable. 4) Next, they removed any ingredients in their plastic formula which would contaminate soil in landfill. 5) Finally, they made it possible for the bags to be burned safely, without adding dangerous pollutants to the air.
What is Sentence Number 2?
Seneca Crane
Who is the former Head Gamemaker who was killed for allowing Katniss and Peeta to live? The name Katniss wrote on the dummy during training.
Here's a disgusting fact: By the time the average person is 70, he or she will have shed about forty pounds of dead skin.
What is both fact and opinion?
The implied meaning of the word "superfluous" in the following sentence. "In the phrase 'rich millionaire,' the word rich is superfluous. All millionaires are rich.
What is "not needed" or "unnecessary"?
The pattern of development for this paragraph. Todd was a great student. This is to say, he always did his work. He had an answer for every question the teacher asked. Todd’s teachers loved him namely because he cared about his work. This means he searched out help when he didn’t understand and he tried his best on every assignment. Todd was also known as a dedicated student.
What is definition and example?
The letter of the best choice for the implied main idea. A puddle of dark liquid under a car indicates a leak in the oil or transmission fluid. Another warning sign of car trouble is uneven wear on tire treads. If the outer edge of the tire tread wears out before the center, the tire is under-inflated. The most significant early warning signal, however, is less and less mileage per gallon. Lower fuel economy is caused by a variety of problems. A. A puddle of dark liquid under a car is a sign that a car has an oil or transmission fluid leak. B. Several warning signs can indicate car problems. C. Various problems may cause a car's fuel economy to decrease.
What is Sentence B?
Annie Cresta
Who is the woman from District 4 that Mags volunteers for and whose voice Finnick hears mimicked by the JabberJays?
Identify these three sentences. 1) People who think of Alaska as an unattractive frozen wasteland are just plain wrong. 2) Alaska is a land of various wildlife, varying climates, and hundreds of forms of plant life. 3) In fact, the highest mountains in North America are in Alaska, where they have a starring role in some unforgettable scenery.
What is Sentence 1 is opinion, Sentence 2 is fact, and Sentence 3 is both fact and opinion?
The letter to the correct answer based on the following poem "I Stood Upon a High Place" I stood upon a high place, And saw, below, many devils Running, leaping, And carousing in sin. One looked up, grinning, And said, "Comrade! Brother!" What does the speaker suggest by saying he "stood upon a high place"? A. He felt more righteous than the devils he saw. B. He was jealous of the playful devils. C. He felt beneath the devils he saw.
What is A?
The pattern of development for this paragraph. The television was on at full volume when Dad came home, and within an hour, he was pressing his fingers to his temples and swallowing tablets of aspirin. Excessive noise triggers a headache in him, and once the headache starts, he can’t make it go away. As a result, he gets very grumpy with all of us. If he gets grumpy enough, then everyone in the house retreats to different rooms, scared away.
What is cause and effect?
An implied main idea for this paragraph. Gone are the odor-free wonderful days of chalk. Now, as students sit before white boards instead of chalkboards, teachers scrawl lessons with dry-erase markers. A teacher’s chalk might, on occasion, accidently screech across the board, whereas the dry-erase marker chirps its every word. The teacher would easily brush chalk dust off hands and clothes; on the other hand, now, the teacher must wash marker stains with soap and water. Chalk had no smell, but dry-erase markers reek of chemical fumes.
What is "Chalk was a better choice than the now more commonly used, dry-erase markers."
The twists for each of the three Quarter Quells.
What are the 25th each district had to vote for the tributes, the 50th each district sent two boys and two girls, and the 75th tributes were picked from the districts' victors?