Main Idea
Cause & Effect
Context Clues
Some people keep skunks for pets. How do you think they do this? You know that skunks can smell very bad. If they are frightened they give off a liquid which has a strong smell. Skunks have little bags which hold this smelly liquid and these can be cut out by a doctor. Then the skunk can make a fine pet, like cat or dog. Skunks give off a strong smell when they are: A) Sleeping B) Frightened C) Young
B) Frightened
The kitchen was flooded. What is the CAUSE? A) A window was closed B) A water pipe had broken C) The television was on
B) A water pipe had broken
1. She turned her biggest FOE into her best friend. _________________ A. enemy B. shoes C. lesson
A. enemy
Preparation: Peel fruits (peaches, watermelon, apples, bananas, etc.) Make sure your strawberries are properly cleaned, cut in half. Start to cut the rest of the fruits into pieces, trying to make them equal in size. Separate tangerines into segments, and begin inserting pieces of fruit on the skewers, trying to alternate fruits and colors, to make it more attractive and colorful. Continue to do this until several skewers are completely full of fruit. Enjoy! What do you do right after you peel the fruit?
Start to cut the rest of the fruits into pieces.
Have you ever gone fishing with grass? Maybe you have and don't know it. Have you ever used a bamboo fishing pole? The bamboo tree is a member of the grass family. Unlike most other grasses, bamboo grows very tall. It may grow to be one hundred feet tall. The young bamboo shoots can be used as food. When the trunks are large, they can be used for fishing poles. Some are even used as water pipes. The leaves of bamboo make good food for cattle. The leaves can also be used in making paper. Bamboo trees have: A) One use only B) Many uses C) Red leaves
B) Many uses
Tom's room was very cold. What is the CAUSE? A) Wind was coming through a broken window B) The toaster was broken C) The radio was on
A) Wind was coming through a broken window
The man walked down the long CORRIDOR in the dark building. __________________ A. table B. fan C. hall
C. hall
Marbles is one of the oldest games in the world. It is still being played today. There are many different games of marbles. One played in our country is called six-hole marbles. It is played with four to six people. You start by digging six holes in a big of ground. The holes are numbered one to six. Every player gets a turn. Each one tries to "shoot" a marble in the holes. A player starts out with the first hole, then moves on to the next one. Each time a player "makes" a hole, the platyer gets another turn. If a player misses a hole, another player gets a chance. If a player hits an opponent's marble, the player gets two more turn.s Many times a player tries to hit the opponent's marble. It is a wise move. A player gets more turns this way. It also knocks the opponent's marble. It is a wise move. A player gets more turns this way. It also knocks the opponent's marble away from the hole. This gives a player a better chance to win. The first player to "shoot" marbles in all six holes wins the game. What happens when a player "makes" a hole? A) Another player gets a chance. B) The player gets another turn. C) The player gets two more turns
B) The player gets another turn.
The bagpipe is a very old instrument. It was played thousands of years ago by the Greeks, the Egyptians, and the Romans. The name, bagpipe, tells what it is made up of. There is a bag with five pipes on it. The player blows through the first pipe. the air goes in the bag. Then the player pushes the air from the bag and plays a tune on a second pipe. The other three pipes make just one note each. Their sound stays the same, no matter what tune is played. These pipes are called "drones." They give the bagpipe its odd sound. Today most people think of the bagpipe as a Scottish instrument. This story could also be called: A) All About Music B) An American Instrument C) An Odd Instrument
C) An Odd Instrument
Tony fell down the steps. What is the CAUSE? A) He walked into the kitchen B) One step was broken C) There was no hot water
B) One step was broken
Jack is APPROXIMATELY 9 years old. ____________________ A. about B. badly C. carefully
A. about
Marbles is one of the oldest games in the world. It is still being played today. There are many different games of marbles. One played in our country is called six-hole marbles. It is played with four to six people. You start by digging six holes in a big of ground. The holes are numbered one to six. Every player gets a turn. Each one tries to "shoot" a marble in the holes. A player starts out with the first hole, then moves on to the next one. Each time a player "makes" a hole, the platyer gets another turn. If a player misses a hole, another player gets a chance. If a player hits an opponent's marble, the player gets two more turn.s Many times a player tries to hit the opponent's marble. It is a wise move. A player gets more turns this way. It also knocks the opponent's marble. It is a wise move. A player gets more turns this way. It also knocks the opponent's marble away from the hole. This gives a player a better chance to win. The first player to "shoot" marbles in all six holes wins the game. What is done first in the game? A) you start by hitting your opponent's marble B) You start by digging six holes in the ground C) You start by trying to get a marble in a hole
B) You start by digging six holes in the ground
We know that an echo comes rom sound waves that bounce back from a surface. The sound can bounce again and again between two or more surfaces so that we hear the sound two or more times. Long ago people didn't understand this. They told a story of a sad fairy. The man she loved didn't love her. She was so sad, she faded away to nothing but a voice. But she really used her voice. The sad fairy talked and talked. At last the goddess Juno grew so angry with the fairy that she punished her. The fairy would never again speak first. She would only be able to repeat what others said. Have you guessed the name of the sad fairy? Of course you have. It was Echo! Echo was punished by: A) A god B) Juno C) A voice
B) Juno
The family moved to a new house. What is the CAUSE? A) It is fun to move every day B) Their old house was too small C) The new house had no bathroom
B) Their old house was too small
My sister’s eyes RESEMBLE our mother’s eyes. ____________________ A. run like B. look like C. feel like
B. look like
Marbles is one of the oldest games in the world. It is still being played today. There are many different games of marbles. One played in our country is called six-hole marbles. It is played with four to six people. You start by digging six holes in a big of ground. The holes are numbered one to six. Every player gets a turn. Each one tries to "shoot" a marble in the holes. A player starts out with the first hole, then moves on to the next one. Each time a player "makes" a hole, the platyer gets another turn. If a player misses a hole, another player gets a chance. If a player hits an opponent's marble, the player gets two more turn.s Many times a player tries to hit the opponent's marble. It is a wise move. A player gets more turns this way. It also knocks the opponent's marble. It is a wise move. A player gets more turns this way. It also knocks the opponent's marble away from the hole. This gives a player a better chance to win. The first player to "shoot" marbles in all six holes wins the game. What happens when a player misses a hole? A) Another player gets a chance B) The players get another turn C) The player gets two more turns
A) Another player gets a chance
There are about 50 kinds of fish that can give off an electric shock. They can give a shock to another animal. In this way they can protect themselves. They can also hunt for food. The most well known electric fish is the electric eel. Some grow to be eight feet long. They are found in South America. Another kind of electric fish is the electric catfish. It is found in Africa. The electric catfish was drawn in Egypt over 4,000 years ago. How many kinds of fishes can give off an electric shock? A) Every fish B) 50 C) 5
B) 50
Jill threw away some toy animals. What is the CAUSE? A) The toys were new B) She had a pet mouse C) The animals were old
C) The animals were old
The stars were BRILLIANT in the clear night sky. ___________________ A. dim B. walking C. bright
C. bright
Marbles is one of the oldest games in the world. It is still being played today. There are many different games of marbles. One played in our country is called six-hole marbles. It is played with four to six people. You start by digging six holes in a big of ground. The holes are numbered one to six. Every player gets a turn. Each one tries to "shoot" a marble in the holes. A player starts out with the first hole, then moves on to the next one. Each time a player "makes" a hole, the platyer gets another turn. If a player misses a hole, another player gets a chance. If a player hits an opponent's marble, the player gets two more turn.s Many times a player tries to hit the opponent's marble. It is a wise move. A player gets more turns this way. It also knocks the opponent's marble. It is a wise move. A player gets more turns this way. It also knocks the opponent's marble away from the hole. This gives a player a better chance to win. The first player to "shoot" marbles in all six holes wins the game. What happens when a player hits the opponent's marble? A) Another player gets a chance B) The player gets another turn C) The player gets two more turns
C) The player gets two more turns