What is my name?
When does our class end?
If you miss an in class quiz, what grade will you get?
Where is my office located?
January 23
If you get a 65% in the class, what grade do you receive?
What percentage of your final grade are vocabulary and online activities?
When do I usually leave in the afternoons?
What should you do if you miss a test?
take it in the Testing Center within 1 week of the test date
How will you receive your grades for any Outlines and Summaries that you submit on Brightspace?
on a rubric in Brightspace within 48 hours
What is one of my hobbies?
reading, running, drawing, playing with my kids
Why would someone get a "Stopped Attending" marked on their record?
Because they missed more than 2 weeks of class in a row
One week