Birds are to flying as whales are to...
All humans breathe air. Ms. B. is a human. So...
So, Ms. B. breathes air.
Identify the noun(s), verb(s), and adjective(s) in the following sentence:
The large brown dog was running away from his wicked owner.
Nouns: dog, owner
Verb: was running
Adjectives: the, large, brown, his, wicked
Bag, pitcher, jar, satchel, bowl
Organ that mixes chemicals with food.
Birds are to singing as cows are to...
Some people can swim. Arianna is a person. So...
So maybe Arianna can swim.
Identify the noun(s), verb(s), and adjective(s) in the following sentence:
Our dad selected a new purple tent for his trip.
Nouns: dad, trip
Verb: selected
Adjectives: our, a, new, purple, his
Helicopter, unicycle, canoe, kayak, limousine
Organ that stores food the body doesn't need.
Large intestine.
Whale is to noun as swim is to...
All ice cream comes from milk. Josh is a person. So...
So, nothing.
Identify the noun(s), verb(s), and adjective(s) in the following sentence:
Cats will be eating twenty delicious sandwiches and drinking clean water.
Nouns: cats, sandwiches, water
Verbs: will be eating, (will be) drinking
Adjectives: twenty, delicious, clean
Ocelot, falcon, zebra, manatee, whaleshark
Animals (or living things)
Body system that changes food into fuel.
Digestive system.
Whales are to gigantic as bacteria are to...
...tiny, microscopic, infinitesimal, etc.
Most 7th graders have a 10 pm curfew. Dee is a 7th grader. So...
So, maybe Dee has a 10 pm curfew.
Identify the noun(s), verb(s), and adjective(s) in the following sentence:
Their wonderful teacher is giving a long assignment for homework.
Nouns: teacher, assignment, homework
Verb: is giving
Adjectives: their, wonderful, a, long
Violet, oak, pumpkin, ivy, spruce
Plants (or living things)
Organ that gives food to the blood.
Small intestine.
Books are to wonderful as TikTok is to...
...(answers will vary, but must be an adjective).
Ms. B. loves every book. "The Photo Ark" is a book. So...
So, Ms. B. loves "The Photo Ark."
Identify the noun(s), verb(s), and adjective(s) in the following sentence:
Ten silver moons were shining above the deep indigo lake.
Nouns: moons, lake
Verb: were shining
Adjectives: ten, silver, the, deep, indigo
Pasta, hummus, salad, oatmeal, peanut butter
Organ that makes chemicals that break food down.