Synonyms & Antonyms
Text Connections
More Inferences!
Context Clues
The shelves were piled high with boxes of every size and shape. There were so many people – men and women, mothers with little children, teenagers putting more boxes on the shelves. . Jeff was having a hard time remembering which one to buy. He knew that his wouldn’t be happy if he brought home the wrong brand! He also knew that mom was probably getting very hungry! Where was Jeff?
Grocery store

Synomym for "protect"

Example: defend


3 types of text connections

Text to work

Text to text

Text to self


Mom made sandwiches and put them into the basket, along with some fruit and chips. Dad grabbed the big checkered blanket and Robby got the frisbee. Then the whole family piled into the car and headed out.

Where was the family going? How do you know?

The family is going on a picnic. I know this because the family packed food, snacks, a blanket, and a frisbee.


The long hike up to the top of the mountain was extremely grueling. Does grueling mean loud, tiring, or easy?


Jeff filled up a big bowl with fresh, cold water and set it on the floor. He brought out a big comforter and put it on the floor next to the low window. He opened a package, took out a big bone and placed it on the floor next to the comforter. Then he opened the window so that the gentle breeze could blow into the room. What was Jeff doing?
Getting a place ready for a dog

Synonym for "rapidly"

I arrived at school late and had to finish my test rapidly.

Example: fast, quickly


That story reminds me of the time that I broke my leg and needed surgery.

Text to self


Jake and Tim sat quietly next to each other, each thinking his own thoughts. Suddenly, the pole Jake was holding loosely in his hands jerked so hard, he nearly dropped it. "You got one!" exclaimed Tim excitedly.

What did Jake have? How do you know?

Jake caught a fish while fishing. I know this because the story describes Jake and Tim sitting quickly, a pole moving, and Tim said, "You got one!"

The conspicious man wore a purple wig and large sunglasses. Does conspicious mean...easily noticed, beautiful, or sleeping?
Easily noticed
I had finally gotten used to being weightless. It became a comfortable feeling. I especially liked floating by the window to see the planet Earth below. Who am I?
An astronaut

Antonym for "inflated"

I inflated the tires on my bike before going for a ride.


This article about bullying reminds me of a video I watched on how a school in California prevents bullying amongst students.

Text to world


What is an inference?

A good guess

I was so parched that I drank an entire glass of water in one gulp. Does parched mean?
I liked walking next to the covered wagon more than riding in it with my sisters. If I got tired, sometimes my father would let me ride horseback behind him. In the evening, Pa, my brothers and I would sleep under the wagon, while Ma and my sisters slept in the wagon. I hoped we would reach the West soon. Who am I?
A pioneer boy

Antonyms or synonyms?

tidy / clean



Krystal decided to make some cookies for her mother. She followed the recipe carefully. Then she baked the cookies until they were golden brown. They looked perfect, but when her mother took a bite, she made a terrible face and spit it out immediately. Krystal was confused until she tasted one of the cookies. That's when she realized that she had mixed up the salt and the sugar.

Text to self: What does this story remind you of from your own life? 

Example: This story reminds me of the time....

Edward was running as fast as he could. He could hear Jacob's footsteps close behind him. He tried to run faster, but it was no use. Within seconds, Jacob was by his side, and then ahead of him. A moment later both boys collapsed under the old oak tree in front of the school

What were Edward and Jacob doing? Why do you think so?

I think Jacob and Edward were racing because the story mentions both boys running very fast and then collapsing under a tree.

The delightful aroma of food cooking in the kitchen made my mouth water. Does aroma mean?
My father did not like to wear his crown. He said it was heavy and made his head hurt. While I did not have a crown, my parents made sure I had a silk dress with gold thread to wear for the coronation. Who am I?
a princess/queen

Antonyms or synonyms?

nervous / brave



Zoe woke up in the middle of the night. She'd had a bad nightmare. She was so afraid that she could not fall back asleep. Zoe got out of bed and made her way through the dark hall to her big sister's bedroom. Her sister sighed sleepily when Zoe crawled in beside her. Zoe was asleep in just a few minutes.

Text to text: What does this story remind you of from something else that you have read?

Example: This story reminds me of a book I read about....

Callie picked herself off the pavement and checked herself over for injuries. No blood and nothing seemed to be broken. Good thing she was wearing her pads and helmet. She walked over to the skateboard that was laying upside down a few feet away, popped it right-side-up with her foot, and rode away.

Why was Callie on the pavement? How do you know?

Callie fell while riding her skateboard. I know this because she was checking for injuries and her board was laying upside down.

Marcia is a novice soccer player. It is her first day of practice. Does novice mean?